Free Money Thread: $10M Advertorials
Hey guys, today i'm sharing something that probably you guys already seen it before, or even used it in your brand.
Pre-sell pages.
Its kinda counterintuitive to throw traffic to a page before you product page.
  1. The user will have more barriers till the checkout
  2. More clicks before buying
  3. Raised the chance to them bouncing out
But, we ran multiple tests at Shine and Javy and realized that using pre-sells is a money making machine and can 2,3,4x your CR% and cut you CAC by more than a HALF!
In the book: Breakthrough Advertising, written by the GOD of copywriting, Eugene Schwartz, he said:
"Don't sell anything until the person its already sold"
And thats why pre-sells are essentials while running Direct Traffic.
These the best performing pre-sells we used last year. Use it to get inspiration and adapt to your own brand
Arthur Larsen
Free Money Thread: $10M Advertorials
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