Do you feel like your online store is "Stuck"?
If you’re like 99% of E-comm Entrepreneurs,
You’ve probably had a time…
(Maybe it’s right now)
Where your store is “Stuck”.
You’ve launched.
Paid for inventory.
You're posting on socials.
Influencer marketing, ads, all of it…
…And you’re still getting 0 sales.
…Maybe you’re rethinking this whole e-comm thing.
…And wondering if your product is even gonna work.
…Or if it’s time to give up.
It’s tough.
I’ve been there.
A ton of times.
I remember when I first launched my Beauty Brand - Tommi Skin, we were in this phase too.
We were trying new influencers, new platforms, new ads every single week.
Nothing was working.
Most days we got 0 sales.
But out of nowhere, we started to get momentum…
Then literally, within 2 months, we scaled to $200k per month.
Same website.
Same product.
Same price.
All that changed was literally just one ad.
That’s it.
And now, after scaling Tommi (& 600+ other brands through my agency), I look back and wonder what would have happened if I gave up, and stopped trying…
Where I would be.
To be honest, I don't know.
But if there’s one thing I know,
If you have a good product that people genuinely want…
All it takes is one lucky break to pop off.
And literally transform your store.
And your life.
It could be an ad, an influencer, a new platform.
But if you stop trying new things, you’ll never know.
Keep testing.
Eventually, you’ll get lucky.
All the best.
P.S. If you wanna learn the exact ad formula we used to create this winning ad, I’ve just launched a FREE TRAINING that will show you exactly how to do it. My agency has worked with 600+ brands, and I’m giving away the exact format we use to get creators to make video ads for you, that convert. You can find this video under the 'Classroom' Tab.
Noah Hunter Dorsey
Do you feel like your online store is "Stuck"?
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