Ideal credit profile
For both lean setup and maximizers, these are the credit criteria to consider before applying for your first personal card:
Payment History:
- Ensure no late payments and maintain a 100% payment history.
- Keep the utilization of each individual revolving account between 1-6% maximum.
Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI):
- Aim for a DTI below 35%.
Length of Credit History:
- Have at least 1 year of average age reporting on your credit history.
- You can supplement this with Authorized User (AU) accounts.
- Keep the number of inquiries below 3 in the past 6 months per bureau.
- For best results, limit inquiries to 3 or less in the past 12 months.
Credit Mix:
- Maintain at least 2 installment accounts, each being 4 months old.
- Have at least 1 revolving account, which can also be an AU account.
Derogatory Accounts:
- Avoid any derogatory accounts such as collections, charge-offs, or bankruptcy.
Before going for premium credit cards like CSP, Amex Gold, BILT, etc., it is recommended to have the following:
Credit History:
- Have at least 1 year of credit history.
- At least 4-6 month-old primary accounts (installments) and the remaining age can be boosted by AU accounts.
Banking Relationships:
- Maintain 1 month of checking account history with Chase Bank.
- Have 1 month with Amex High Yield Savings Account.
- Maintain 1 month with Navy Federal Checking + Savings.
- Wells Fargo personal checking account could also be helpful for BILT.
When it comes to business funding, consider the following criteria:
Primary Credit History:
- Aim for 1+ year of primary average age on your credit report, even without help from authorized users.
Primary Credit Cards:
- Have at least 1 primary credit card that is 1 year old or more.
- Maintain at least 1 primary credit card with a limit of $5,000 or more, and at least 6 months old.
Data Mining:
- Consider doing data mining with each specific bank you want to get approvals with, if recommended.
For any future sequences, the ideal credit criteria would be as follows:
Payment History:
- Maintain a 100% payment history.
- If less than 100%, try to repair or have no more than 1 late payment in the past 6 months.
- Keep the utilization of each individual account between 1-6% maximum.
Length of Credit History:
- Aim for 1+ year of average age reporting on your credit history.
- You can supplement this with AU accounts.
- Limit the number of inquiries to 3 or less in the past 6 months per bureau.
- For best results, keep the inquiries to 3 or less in the past 12 months.
Credit Mix:
- Maintain at least 2 installment accounts.
- Have at least 3 revolving primary accounts, each being 6+ months old.
- Ensure that the limits on these accounts are between $5,000 and $10,000.
Other Considerations:
- Build relationships with banks that you need a relationship with to apply.
- Be mindful of your 5-24 rule status and other bank rules based on personal preferences.
- Always double-check that secondary bureaus are not locked before applying for credit cards.
- Make sure you're getting the best SUB (Sign-Up Bonus).
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Jackie Lavielle
Ideal credit profile
Credit connector
Financial literacy, How to repair your own credit
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