Free Value Group Vs. Subscription Group Where do you draw the line
Struggling with the structure of communities. So, we have a high ticket course. Now here is a free value-focused community, and we have a subscription-based community. Help me understand this, please. Sam, doesn't charge a monthly fee to be part of his high-ticket course community. So I will assume that is not part of this discussion here. So now, what do you offer in the subscription-based community? The reason I am struggling with this is because the free community needs to provide an incredible amount of value. I started to create a killer course that was supposed to be a low-ticket course to be the step to the high-ticket course. Then I heard about communities, so my first thought was, OK why not put that low-ticket course in the subscription-based community and get recurring income. But now, I am leaning more towards providing this course for free (mind you I sincerely believe this course is incredible). But that brings the issue. When do you stop giving free value and when do you charge people? Can some of you tell me what you do, where you draw the line between free value and paid value, and how do you have your high ticket course structured in all of this? Thanks. BTW, I have seen all the "How so and so uses skool" videos. These don't answer my dilemma sadly. What do you offer in the free community? And what do you offer in the paid community w.r.t. value? Why would they want to upgrade to the subscription-based? I am hoping a bunch of you will answer with 1) your opinion on this, 2) how you structured yours, and 3) Your phycology or reasoning behind it 4) how this is working for you (are people upgrading to paid, and if you know, at what rate (every week we get 15 new members to the free and 3 upgraded to paid). Of course, you don't HAVE to answer all these but it would certainly be valuable to others here aswell.
jerryll noorden
Free Value Group Vs. Subscription Group Where do you draw the line
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