Becoming More Me
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160 members
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I'm Theresa, an EFT master practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Wife, Mom of 4 Boys, Speaker, and Best-Selling Author of "BECOMING MORE ME: Tapping into Success– Subconscious Secrets of an ADHD Entrepreneurial Mom"
This community is SPECIFICALLY for ADHD Entrepreneurs (Male and Female) seeking next level success, the definition of which is unique to each individual, in their business and personal lives.
If you're ready to find your focus and cultivate genuine calm, clarity and confidence to support you with your goals and aspirations while calling your power back and healing your trauma and limiting beliefs, the resources and coaching you'll find in this group will provide massive breakthroughs for you!
Let's make the never-ending journey of "Becoming" one you ENJOY getting PRESENT for!
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Becoming More Me
Empowering Busy-Minded Entrepreneurs to grow, integrate & create abundant & pleasurable relationships, business, & health w/o Anxiety & overwhelm.
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