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I DID IT! New videos from the Candida CEO program are HERE!!!
Hey everyone! I DID IT! I moved a bunch of the videos from the Candida CEO course to our classroom! Now you can get the benefit of our Candida CEO course FREE in our community! If you know someone who can benefit from this part of our Health CEO program - Share! You can give them this link: I am trying to help everyone get healthy in 2024! As I complete each step of my big program I am going to share all the information here - FREE!!! Stay tuned and share with everyone you know! If you invite someone new, post below "Invited {first name}" in the comments and I will watch for your friend. Make sure you let them know to answer the questions and I will let them into our exclusive community!
Complete action
1 thing you are grateful for & check-in...... GO!!!!!!
How are you doing on the goals you set for the week? Are you on track?
New comment Mar 9
Running Progress Week 2
Share your run Below
New comment Jan 26
I’m back!
My run today
1-30 of 31
Change the trajectory of your health for life! Gather together, work on your health, & empower yourselves with knowledge about your own bodies.
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