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Hello from Colorado
I am excited to be here and find more like-minded people who are building online businesses. My business is helping people become more crypto-literate so they can take advantage of the fastest growing asset class. We are building a community and a crypto media brand. Our distinction is a print and digital publication called GOO$E Magazine.
New comment 29d ago
So Excited to be around this group!
I am a entrepreneur, eternal optimist and neuroscience geek! I am obsessed with learning something daily! Love being around great minds. Looking forward to collaborating with all of you.
New comment Mar 25
Welcome Jon!
I am so glad you’re here, and I am looking forward to sharing information about my journey as well as hearing about your journey. Please take a moment to introduce herself and let us know what you’re working on at this current time.
New comment Mar 23
Greetings everyone!
Hi everyone, I'm happy to be here and be part of this community. I am an Amazon self-publisher and I'm always looking for ways to make my business better. I'm also interested in helping out with other projects if I can. I'm excited to learn from you and share what I know. Best, Christian
New comment Mar 23
Hello! Welcome to The Auto Engage Lab Community.
The goal of this group is to help you make money online by selling your advice and knowledge and introducing digital marketing concepts to total beginners. Let's get things started by introducing ourselves. Let's hear from you: 1. What's your name? 2. Where are you currently focusing your efforts and what are you trying to build? If you don't know what you want to build, that is fine too. Come in and lets figure something out for you! See you in the comments!
New comment Mar 23
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Taking the difficulty out of running an online business by creating a community and fostering engagement automatically by likeminded, passionate fans.
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