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No Labels Necessary

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13 contributions to No Labels Necessary
Why Did I Lose Access...
Hi @Sean Taylor I recently lost access to the "Build a Brand Kit" course. Im confused to why this has happened, especially since I've reached about 40% completion of the course. I would really appreciated if I can be granted access again so I can continue completing the course. Thank You
New comment Feb 1
1 like • Feb 1
@Joshua Coase lol me too please help re gain access to build a brand kit
Excited to check this out.
Hey Guys. Im a music supervisor and always down to check out musicans music. Feel free to reach out with links.
New comment Apr 11
1 like • Feb 1
Really appreciate you doing this Mike here is my song Lucky Girl
Preventing Unsolicited Messages From Scammers In Skool
Hey NLN Community! We’ve been made aware of a few scammers finding their way into our space and reaching out to some of you recently. In light of this, we’ve stepped up our security and scrutiny measures when it comes to the screening process for prospective members to try and spot these individuals and prevent them from joining. We’ve also dealt with these few individuals that have been reported by you guys and they have been banned from the group. Please continue to let us know if you receive any unsolicited messages from other people who don't seem genuine and continue to report any suspicious posts or comments. To avoid this happening again to anyone in the future we advise that you turn off your chat availability in your profile settings. Full instructions on how you can do that can be found in the video at the bottom of this post as well as the “START HERE” course. Rest assured, disabling this feature won’t prevent you from messaging me, Sean, or any other members of our team as we are all group admins but it will stop people on Skool from reaching out to you with unsolicited DMs. To clarify, you will also still be able to reach out to people in the community privately via DMs if you're currently having conversations or if they have decided to keep their messaging availability open. Any questions about this or any experiences/issues you’d like to share please get in touch. ~ Josh
New comment Mar 25
2 likes • Jan 24
Wow yes keep us safe !!!
How To Do Promo Trips?
What do you guys think about short promotional trips? If this topic gets worked into an episode would be awesome (for a lot of us I believe) but just a comment back would be appreciated too. I'm from Milwaukee. We do stuff around WISC but there's just really no scene or much opportunity here. A lot of middle aged white dudes who arent even really in the rap market. Biggest opportunities I've had is meeting successful people while they're visiting/touring. I can get to Chicago pretty easily. I'm not established enough to book a show or anything but I'd like to put in the work to start establishing us there instead of continuing only here as I think it'd be more fruitful for the longrun. Plus it's not the big geographical or cultural jump that ATL/NY/LA/TX/FL would be. *Although I plan on getting to those places & moving in a few years to Houston, Atlanta, or Chicago* I'll continue building in Wisconsin too but it doesnt really lead anywhere I wanna get to in my head. 👇 If i make a 1-2 day trips to Chicago once or twice a month do you have any advice for how I can make it worth it & get the most out of it? Super appreciate any feedback, thanks🤘
New comment Oct '23
3 likes • Sep '23
Start running ads in those markets first
Ask Me Anything - Let's Talk! (8/30/23)
Hey folks, I'm back for our weekly ask me anything! looking forward to answering any questions you have. I'm tapped in for the next hour to help with whatever I can! Let's talk! For those who don't know, I'm doing this every Wednesday from 7- 8p EST
New comment Sep '23
0 likes • Aug '23
@Sean Taylor okay, that makes sense. Have had really good initialtraction with tik tok. Working on that content now. Thank you Sean!
0 likes • Aug '23
@Sean Taylor Sweet!
1-10 of 13
Seseley Jones
37points to level up
Singer/Songwriter/Actress an All around entertainer with a beautiful soul 💛✨

Active 50d ago
Joined Jul 19, 2023
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