What is this?


2 contributions to Best GoHighLevel Affiliate Hub
What Exactly am I selling here?
Hi, so I have a question that many others probably might have as well. I can see this program may be useful for agency owners, but this was marketed to me as a thing any regular person can use to start earning some income. But it seems to me I'm just selling GHL for others to sell GHL for them to sell GHL. I didn't think this would be an affiliate program, which I'm not necessarily against, but it wasn't really what I expected. Is this just me being an affiliate/selling GoHighLevel to other people? Or does anyone have any ideas that can help me out or what worked for them?
New comment Sep '23
0 likes • Sep '23
@Jason Edwards I see, thanks. I just don't have a product to sell, it seems.
0 likes • Sep '23
@Shez Lagonilla I do not. I see.
Who's Been Successful?
I'm just curious to know how many of the 304 members have had any success and at what ratio? Also, how many stuck to the plan or did you tweak it to your own specifications to reach your target customer (if you had one). I have also been tracking agencies to see if the investment is worth the return or are we just breaking even. Being 💯 about my journey and I have only broken even in my 90day journey. I am a tech that has a lot of knowledge of trouble shooting software issues and was working this to make another ancillary service I provide. I did follow the course to its end, but since I'm not in real estate and it's not an industry I'm familiar with, I took another route. I work with clients from various niches that all have similar issues when it comes to starting and sustaining capital flow. All whom never put marketing first or at least second on the list of important things to do to bring in business. They are a majority of local Mom & Pop shops, start-up and solopreneur type businesses. Assisting them in developing systems for their business so that they can scale without the pain of learning something complicated and new is important. And since i know that they are slow on adapting to knew things, I am patient. I could go on and on about this but as i said I am now doing some research and was just hoping the community could give me some insight on your journey. Thank you in advance for everyone who participates. .
New comment Sep '23
0 likes • Sep '23
which community, might I ask? I am just starting out with this as well. Hopefully I can give you some answers/results by the end of this month.
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Leon Zaccardi
4points to level up
Let's make it together

Active 8d ago
Joined Jul 27, 2023
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