Following 7
Ian Goodwin
• Active 19h ago
Bio: Retired and learning jazz guitar - mainly chord melody. I have played folk guitar in the past so know the basics. Having a lot of fun learning.
Bob Kahn
• Active 10d ago
Bio: I’m an over 50 player who started in my late teens. I would consider myself intermediate jazzer when it comes to comping but a beginner at improv!
Mentor Marc-Andre Labelle
• Active 3h ago
Bio: I'm a guitar teacher that is learning jazz. I love running and hockey.
Mentor Jim Rumora
Florida, USA
• Active 7h ago
Bio: Retired. Played guitar in my teens/twenties then traded that for suit, tie, wife and kids. Finally getting back into the groove.
Rene Avenant
South Africa
• Active 1d ago
Bio: I started teaching myself guitar in 1970, mostly Blues Rock and Fusion and more recently Jazz. I live to learn, perform, compose, and teach music.
Mark Jennings-Bates
Kaslo, Canada
• Active 4h ago
Bio: Started playing jazz guitar in the Uk with an amazing teacher and joined the midland youth jazz orchestra. Now I need to learn more
Coach Marc-Andre Seguin
Ottawa, Canada • INFJ
• Active 14h ago
Bio: I help guitarists become confident players by making jazz vocabulary more accessible -
1-7 of 7
Patrick Dussault
Jazz beginner

Active 347d ago
Joined Aug 2, 2023
Vilanova i la Geltrú
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