Followers 53
Jessica Farrugia Burke
• Active 13h ago
Bio: Hi there! My name is Jessica & I am based in Ireland. I am a Mindset & Self Image Coach & just launching my business called The Inside Out Project!
Vishal Kamath
• Active 2d ago
Bio: Holistic Business coach and Digital marketing Enterprenuer
Matteo Albini
• Active 3d ago
Bio: I Assist Ambitious Women to Forgive Their Past in Minutes, not Lifetimes, with The Fifth Way Protocol.
Chiara Cokieng
Berlin, Germany • ENTJ
• Active 4d ago
Bio: I help people from Southeast Asia land their first tech job in Germany, even if they don't know German.
Joy Key
• Active 2d ago
Bio: Empowering women and thriving in LIFE through community, support and sisterhood 💗
Sanaa Vaughn
• Active 31d ago
Bio: Actress with a love for storytelling Entrepreneurs
Sofia Rego
• Active 10d ago
Ben McLellan
• Active 1d ago
Bio: We are passionate about helping online owners create amazing client experiences that add $50k to $500k in backend revenue.
Alex Tkachenko
Barcelona • ESTP
• Active 121d ago
Bio: 📚 💻 💎 Driving Measurable Business Outcomes | Results-Focused Advisor & Innovator | Expert in Scalable Growth & Efficiency
Joy de Vries
• Active 21d ago
Bio: I help conscious entrepreneurs with getting done the things that matter on the long run.
Laura F
• Active 16d ago
Bio: 🧡
Aija Blūzmane
• Active 145d ago
Bio: Dopamine Splash creator and facilitator.
Natālija Pomerance
Rīga Alūksne
• Active 108d ago
Bio: Skaistumkopšana: manikīrs-pedikīrs-SPA procedūras | ārstnieciskā punktu masāža | teipošana | vaksācija | uzacu+skropstu krāsošana, uzacu korekcija
Burak Sedona
• Active 2h ago
Bio: We teach Growth-Minded People how to prioritize their Freedom & Well-being by building a profitable Online Business. High Performance + Slow Life
Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken
• Active 258d ago
Bio: Coach-trainer, holistic data driven methodology. Life and business coaching.
Ilze Ušacka - Priekule
Rīga, centrs
• Active 165d ago
Bio: Karjeras konsultants, personīgās izaugsmes koučs. Mani klienti ir līderi, kas saprot, ka esošā karjera vairs prieku nedod, bet ko darīt tālāk nezin.
Nils Buivits
• Active 343d ago
Bio: Veselības entuziasts, kas apņēmies iedvesmot pozitīvas pārmaiņas.
Daniels Gailītis
• Active 336d ago
Bio: FeatherAx vadītājs. Īstais cilvēks ja tev vajag IZCILU mājaslapas dizainu!
Marika Zc
Rīga un lauki
• Active 136d ago
Bio: Palīdzu atgūt VESELUMU, izmantojot gan SLOW MEDICINE pieeju, gan garīgo līdzgaitniecību - gan individuāli, gan grupā.
Ingars Strazdiņš
• Active 9h ago
Bio: Strādāju BIM nozarē, vadu lekcijas un automatizēju procesus citiem ar vizuālo programmēšanu.
Ieva Kalniņa
• Active 325d ago
Bio: Sieviešu Abģērbu showrooms un interneta veikals👗
Aigars Dāvis
• Active 143d ago
Bio: Videonovērošanas sistēmas uzņēmumiem Dzīves prasmju skola
• Active 37d ago
Bio: Linda Hiršfelde - dizainere, māksliniece. Jānis Ozoliņš - holodinamikas terapeits, konsultēju attiecību jautājumos 20+ gadus
Anthony Turnbull
Hartlepool • INTJ
• Active 30d ago
Bio: Retired before 38 + Tinkering with interesting projects to keep the boredom at bay
Ingars Meijers
• Active 493d ago
Laura G
• Active 410d ago
Bio: Essens biedre Network mkt
Elīna Jansone
• Active 11d ago
Bio: Piezīmju Grāmatas Dabiski radītāja. VAIRĀK DABAS ar mani kopā IG Bulduru Tehnikuma tālmācības nodaļas vadītāja
Kritine Veidule
• Active 494d ago
Bio: Strādājau Valsts policijas koledžā. Aizraušanās-kinoloģija.
Kaspars Trasūns
• Active 351d ago
Bio: Piedāvāju galdautus, aizkarus, žalūzijas. Patīk ceļot, lasīt, mācīties, radīt un testēt jaunas idejas, miers un pozitīvi cilvēki :)
Osias Bernardes
• Active 560d ago
Bio: I am at carpentry, I want to learn Have more fun every day when I work
1-30 of 53
Niks Stara
Creative thinking

Active 3d ago
Joined Jun 4, 2021
Rīga, Vīlandes iela 8
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