Followers 10
Greg Cooper
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
• Active 333d ago
Bio: I'm a teacher/singer/musician looking to get into voiceover work. I have a great voice (so people tell me), and I've always wanted to do this!
Ralph Toles
• Active 331d ago
Bio: I'm a part time voiceover artist. I love aviation, music, good food, basketlball, and sci-fi movies.
Victor Johnson
Memphis, TN
• Active 191d ago
Bio: Coming out of retirement to launch a Voice Over business.
Ruth Haskins
Columbia, Maryland
• Active 332d ago
Bio: I am a voice actor, podcaster, and writer. I enjoy the performing arts, soap making, learning Yoruba, and meeting people from diverse cultures.
Rhonda Foster
• Active 332d ago
Bio: I been in VO for 3 years, I love it, and I want to learn all I can, my goal is to create content and make great audio, thank you for this platform.
Anthony Reed
• Active 337d ago
Bio: I'm interested in voice over work and becoming a professional artist.
Bill Freeman Jr.
• Active 225d ago
Bio: At present I not working after a Stroke that has left me left side not fully functioning. So, this my next step in relearning things.
John Clarke
• Active 112d ago
Bio: Athlete, Musician, Poet, Software Developer, Software Tester, Songwriter, Singer and Teacher/Trainer
Penny Orton
• Active 290d ago
Bio: I'm a... Singer, Reader, Teacher, Painter, T1 Diabetic, Mother of 4, Wife, classic movie lover, movie quoter, Gamer of boards/cards/dice/ & dnd
Alyssa Reynolds
Kansas City
• Active 472d ago
Bio: Aspiring Voice Over talent
1-10 of 10
Michael Ray
Aspiring voiceover talent , who enjoys good conversations. A geek when it comes to equipment , techniques an all things vo

Active 336d ago
Joined Dec 17, 2022
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