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Created by Lizette

Dementia Caregiving Made Easy

Private • 19 • $297/m

Dementia Caregiving Made Easy: Leveraging Caregivers Natural Abilities & Maximizing Retained Abilities In All Dementia Caregiving Tasks & Activity.


High-Ticket Accelerator

Private • 34 • Free

Smart Success Healthcare Group

Public • 574 • Free

Highly Paid Coaches Community

Public • 318 • Free

Skool Community

Public • 94.8k • Paid

Business Automation Academy

Public • 92 • Free

7 contributions to Business Automation Academy
ViP access
Hi sweet friend! Still need access to the BIP automation section!
ViP access
Upcoming Workshops
Here are some of the upcoming workshops. (remember, you can only join live and get the link to the thing we build if you're a VIP member) - How to build your own GPT (works great for onboarding and areas where your client might get stuck and reach out for help) - How to create and schedule an entire month's worth of content in less than an hour (including the exact schedule, prompts, and workflows) - How and Why to create your own community - How to build and use a Notion page as a lead magnet Feel free to drop additional ideas below.
New comment May 4
0 likes • May 4
Request: can,you make the workshops at 3 pm EST and not 2 pm? I have a client at 2 and want to be able to come consistently!
So not exactly an automation...
But it's a really cool calculator you can use on your website. Originally built to calculate lost revenue due to missed calls, I updated it for a Solar client today. What do you think?
New comment May 2
So not exactly an automation...
0 likes • May 2
How can I adapt this for a different calculation? For example, the cost of my group coaching calculated against the cost of one month of facility based care? How much a person could save for each month the person was at home versus a facility? I would LOVE a calculator that could help me show people how much they potentially could save. Can you help me with this? So, for example my group coaching is $1200/year and an average memory care is say $5000/month. For each month we can keep someone at home the client would save $5 K. But I can't get people to see the value of the $1200 investment for a year. But is I could show potential savings, I think it would be a great benefit. My one on one is $12 K per year. So if the calculator could show 1. How quickly they could save their $1200 investment/$12 K investment, then show how much money they could save for every month they have not placed a person. Did this make sense, dear @Michael Kittinger ?
Would ya'll like to see how I use Airtable to manage and automate my business? If so, I can do a live masterclass or video on it.
New comment May 2
0 likes • May 2
@Michael Kittinger what is airtable!
Airtable training
Look at this Friday at 2:00 pm est for a training/workshop on Airtable. - what is Airtable - How is it different from something like Notion (and why I use both) - Step by step building out your first Airtable - my thought is we’ll build it out together and then I’ll share the link for you to make a copy of it for your own account I’m also about to launch a paid upgrade to the community here. It’ll be $485 a year with a couple hundred in upsell offers. Before I really go live with the offer, if you’re a current member of this community, you can get it for $385 and I’ll throw in the non-recurring upsells for free. I don’t do hard selling, so here’s the dealio: A year of access with 2x weekly calls. I’ll answer any questions about High level, snapshots, automations. (If you’re not sure of my skills or ability, just ask people in here. Plus I’ll be uploaded dozens of unsolicited testimonials to further back up. I’ve built out over 1,000 automations and a huge player in the space (won’t name them here) brings me in to build out stuff for their platinum clients when nobody else can. We’ll also have at least monthly workshops ($17 to $37 each) that as a paying member you’ll get access for free. Plus since becoming an online entrepreneur in 2016 and investing close to $100k on coaches and courses, I have a large library of resources. I’ll freely share what I can when you need it. Want an AI bot? I’ll tell you the pros and cons to a couple different ones and show you how to build one out. Want streamlined, automated onboarding of clients? Yep, you’ll learn step by step how to do that as a paid member. I’ll put a full offer together to make it irresistible, but giving ya a heads up here. The special offer for current members will be good thru Friday night and then it’ll come down and I’m going to start promoting the group hard. I’ll drop the registration link for Friday tomorrow.
New comment May 3
0 likes • May 2
Sounds good! But I can't make that time, I have client work. Other access? And can we negotiate an audit of our GHL account to streamline operations?
1-7 of 7
Lizette Cloete
3points to level up
Making Dementia Caregiving Easy By Leveraging Caregiver Natural Abilities & Maximizing Retained Abilities During Dementia Caregiving To Ease Stress.

Active 14h ago
Joined Feb 5, 2024
Greenville SC
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