Followers 4
Ashley Ballou
Houston TX
• Active 97d ago
Bio: An Occupational Therapist & Caregiver wellness consultant juggling projects, marriage, and 5kids. Excited to join to prioritize my own wellness
Chak Man Lam
• Active 75d ago
Bio: My name is Chakman. And I help CashPTs grow & automate so they have more TIME to do what they LOVE.
Adrienne Ostrov
• Active 214d ago
Bio: I am a pediatric occupational therapist that works in the school system and has my own small OT peds company.
Tina Casoglos-Adamopoulos
The Woodlands, Texas
• Active 95d ago
Bio: I'm a pediatric OT who loves to travel. The best part of my job is when I get to educate therapists, teachers and parents of neurodivergent children.
1-4 of 4
Liza Brown-Dicostantino
I am a Pediatric OT and mindfulness practitioner. My passion is building safe sensory-sensitive classrooms through mindful co-regulation.

Active 123d ago
Joined Mar 4, 2023
Maryland, United States
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