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Jerry J O Brien, 28 years experience, OB Method, Sales Management Machine & AI helping Highticket & B2B Sales grow to 10K MRR & beyond


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99 contributions to Jerry/Sales Management Machine
Write Your Success Before It Happens - Letā€™s Script Your Future Today!
Hey Guys, Ever caught yourself daydreaming at your desk about sitting on a beach and checking your phone and another 2k come in for your ideal clients? Why just dream when you can script that future today? For the past 6 years, I have helped over 100 businesses, helping them craft stories that forge connections and drive growth. But last week, during a spark-filled event with Tony Robbins, a light bulb went off ā€” itā€™s not just about telling where youā€™ve been it's about planning where you are going. Don't just navigate your business ship through stormy seas; let's chart a course straight to Treasure Island. With the roadmap we develop together, you'll have a clear vision and a sturdy deck under your feet, ready to take on the world's oceans. Letā€™s redefine what success looks like for you. Itā€™s time to elevate your story from a hidden gem to the crown jewel of your industry. And remember, in the world of business, the pen can indeed be mightier than the sword. Let's wield it together to script a future that historians will write about. Click on the link here and lets get started with your story. or if you have a question, contact me on Letā€™s do this together. Jerry J. O'Brien PS. Let's turn your potential energy into kinetic energy ā€“ it's physics, or as I like to call it, the natural law of 'getting things done.' Reach out now, and letā€™s start crafting your epic saga.
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New comment 2h ago
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here are the screenshot for the event with notes.
1 like ā€¢ 2h
@Zofia Delauzun . Great Zofia! You are the girl!
Tony Robbins Business Accelerator Takeaways
Hey Guys, Last Friday I spent 4.5 hours listening to Tony Robbins new training for Business Owners. Here's the summary of event notes. I tried to keep it concise, but thereā€™s just too much good stuffā€”so it's a bit longer than planned! Before diving in, let me tell you my back ground with Tony. Back in 2010, I was at a crossroads, living a comfortable but unfulfilled life in Dublin, Ireland. Reading Tony Robbins' "Awaken the Giant Within" ignited a transformation in me. I realized I was just coasting through life, not tapping into my full potential. This sparked a major change, prompting me to leave my stable job and embark on an entrepreneurial journey. Today, Iā€™m based in Playa del Carmen, running online communities for entrepreneurs and helping them connect with their clients. You can probably partly thank Tony Robins that I am talking to you here today. Enjoy the notes below, and check out the additional resources I suggest you start at the start and work thru' session by session. Tony Robbins Business Accelerator Highlights: - Anticipation is the ultimate power. There is a pattern to business success, and it often starts with recognizing the stages of business crises. - The only people that have problems are in cemeteries. This means that as long as you're alive, you'll face challenges, but also that you have the power to overcome them. Key Topics and Additional Resources: 1. 8 Triggers of Business Crisis 3 Ways to Ignite Explosive Growth in Your Business 1. Who is your Ideal Client? Click here for more information on how to do itĀ  2. What is your irresistible Offer or Grand Slam Offer? Click here for more information on how to build or evaluate your irresistible offer using AI.Ā  3. Over Deliver: and Deliver More than Expected. Free Business Support Call 3 days per WeekĀ 
Ever evolving, never stopping
So, Jerry had me rethinking my niche last time we worked on the hungry market with Gemini. I don't know if it's about finding the comfort zone or stepping out if it, but anyway I wasn't 100% aligned and something bugged me when it didn't really sit perfectly. I'm a mental wellness coach, and the ones that know the way to succeed always points out to use ourselves s few years ago as our ideal niche avatar. I just couldn't uncover where I have evolved from really... and changing my mind too much and too often is also a weakness of mine. I had to listen to some of the other creators here on Skool while I was exploring with Gemini with Jerry's help. Dare I say I'm starting to get to the core of my IKIGAI and where I'm thriving and find ease un creating content? What was the idea behind this post? To show I'm not giving up when I felt stagnant, when the ideas ran out, when I didn't get to where I want to be. But also to add the accountability! I'm writing my personal story, elaborating with content ideas and although I'm moving slowly, at least I'm not staying still or giving up. How's your journey unfolding? Let me know and let's keep each other accountable
New comment 4h ago
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Hey @Zofia Delauzun , this is amazing. Well done. a couple of points. Congratulations on putting this out there, being accountable and not giving up. As you grow there will always be another choke in your business. (Always) so don't be put off by this, this is progress. Consider this a good thing because it means that you over come the previous bottleneck. Also when you feel that you are stagnating, look back at where you were a couple of weeks ago and you will see that you have made along of progress.
Irish Tea Time - Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
Hey Guys, I have had some aha moments last week about our Grand Slam Offers and I want to share them with you on our calls this week. On the calls, I want to review all your Grand Slam Offers because I believe we are missing a big part of the puzzle. Also you will see, I am renaming the calls to "Irish Tea Time" and basically they will all be QnA about Business Growth, Offers and Leads. Please join a call this week so that we can discuss this, this is going to be huge for us all.
New comment 23m ago
1 like ā€¢ 7h
@Zofia Delauzun , great you could make it anyway!
3 likes ā€¢ 7h
@Zofia Delauzun and @Julio Bettin , if you can write your learnings from todays call here and then add your actions for next week. That would be amazng! !
Focus, Action, Grace: The Three-Pronged Approach to Unstoppable Success!
Hey Guys, Ever felt like your business goals were constantly just out of reach, like a carrot dangling on a stick? What if I told you that the secret to grabbing that carrot isn't faster running, but smarter strategizing? A couple of years ago, I was on a flight back to Ireland, I watched a documentary on Bill Gates and Warren Buffett and attributed their astronomical success to one factor: FOCUS. But as Tony Robbins puts it, focus alone isn't enough. His science of achievement revolves around three pivotal forces: FOCUS > MASSIVE ACTION > GRACE Focus is the laser beam that cuts through distractions. It's about clarity and commitment, about pointing that beam so fiercely at your goal that the obstacles start to melt away. Imagine being so clear about what you want that every step you take is a step towards that goal. Massive Action is the fuel that powers that beam. Itā€™s not just about taking steps; itā€™s about taking giant leaps, even when you stumble. It's the child who falls but gets up again, learning to not just walk but to run. What if every setback was just setup for a bigger comeback? Grace might seem like the wild card here. Some call it luck, others fate. But think of it as the wind beneath your wings, sometimes steering you in directions you hadnā€™t planned but where you needed to be. It's about staying open to opportunities that aren't in your playbook but can accelerate your success. So, whatā€™s stopping us from blending these three forces into our daily grind? Nothing! Take action today! Harness these forces to not just meet your goals but to smash them. Add a comment below about how what you need to Focus on, the Massive Action that you are going to take and then we will let Grace brings up the rear. Cheers to making the extraordinary happen, Jerry J O'Brien PS: Focus might light up the path, massive action can get you moving, but remember, a little bit of grace helps you soar. Comment below.
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Irish Dyslexic Entrepreneur Dad, 30 years Sales and Marketing Experience. Started $100M Mastery Group

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Joined Jan 10, 2024
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