Bio: Producer/JV Master Dream Maker leads a community of Big Dreamers utilizing the power of "People Helping People". Dream it, Believe it, Team it, Do it!
Bio: Philosopher, entrepreneur, human.
Founder lawofattractionlive love to travel the world and connect with the greatest minds of the past and present.
Bio: Helping women entrepreneurs grow their business using energetics, intuition, and accessing their untapped potential with the Aligned Growth Method.
Bio: Speak with courage on stage or anywhere! Creator of B.R.A.V.E. Speaker Academy, TEDx, 4 yrs w/ Impact Theory, co-founder of Empoweress Poetry Press.
Bio: Hi! I’m Dr. Mélanie DesChâtelets, a naturopathic doctor launching a new PCOS course. Excited to connect with fellow entrepreneurs and share insights!