Bio: High Performance Coach for 10x World Champions: Mastering the right knowledge, focused training, and achieving peak performance when it matters most.
Bio: Front-End Developer & PWA Specialist | Business Automation Enthusiast | Founder of Ad Web Comic Agency | Where Innovation Meets Modern Web Solutions
Bio: Just Judy 69 y/o Wife, Mom, Grandma, Retired nurse after 45 years in nursing, a lover of God & Prayer Warrior, Entrepreneur…. Now a Digital Marketer
Bio: Berliner, 1988 geboren. Gründer Kletterling UG, vorher 9 Jahre mydealz Redakteur, International Business Studium in Berlin. Manchmal im Rollstuhl :)
Bio: Son. Husband. Father. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” John 1:12