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LTC Ashram

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87 contributions to LTC Ashram
Lessons 361 to 365 This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.
And if I need a word to help me, He will give it to me. ²If I need a thought, that will He also give. ³And if I need but stillness and a tranquil, open mind, these are the gifts I will receive of Him. ⁴He is in charge by my request. ⁵And He will hear and answer me, because He speaks for God my Father and His holy Son. (
New comment 13d ago
5 likes • 15d
@Noa Andermatt Beautiful, dear heart Noa! This reminds me of the famous line from the movie "Field of Dreams"; "If you build it, he will come." If we build our willingness to see only Love, in all ways Love will come. 💗
2 likes • 14d
Hey sisters and brothers, does anyone know if there is a way to access all the comments that have been made during the last year while Monica was posting? There was so much richness, I would love to go over what was said !!! Thank you for any guidance on how to do this, if it is possible!
Hi everyone! ❤️
Yesterday was the last day of lessons for this year and last day of posting the daily lessons from my side. I just wanted to thank you all for studying the course with me this year and for your participation here so we could share some of our thoughts as well. Thank you everyone! Wishing everyone peace, forgiveness, happiness, joy and many blessings. Choose love! ❤️ Always! ❤️
New comment 8d ago
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Oh Monica, I am SUPER grateful of what you have done this last year! I will miss your loving postings and the wonderful comments and the amazing connections that have been born from your actions. Very much! As you say, Choose love! 💗 Always! 💗 I can't imagine anything better to do with this life that we have been given! 💗
Lesson 359 God’s answer is some form of peace. All pain is healed; all misery replaced with joy. All prison doors are opened. And all sin is understood as merely a mistake.
Father, today we will forgive Your world, and let creation be Your Own. ²We have misunderstood all things. ³But we have not made sinners of the holy Sons of God. ⁴What You created sinless so abides forever and forever. ⁵Such are we. ⁶And we rejoice to learn that we have made mistakes which have no real effects on us. ⁷Sin is impossible, and on this fact forgiveness rests upon a certain base more solid than the shadow world we see. ⁸Help us forgive, for we would be redeemed. ⁹Help us forgive, for we would be at peace. (
New comment 19d ago
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Deidrik Wolsak recently wrote that mistakes are the attempt to acquire evidence of erroneous beliefs. I love this take on "mistakes"! It turns the idea of "mistakes" completely on its head! Big Christmas Love to all!!! 🌟💗🥰
Lesson 356 Sickness is but another name for sin. Healing is but another name for God. The miracle is thus a call to Him.
Father, You promised You would never fail to answer any call Your Son might make to You. ²It does not matter where he is, what seems to be his problem, nor what he believes he has become. ³He is Your Son, and You will answer him. ⁴The miracle reflects Your Love, and thus it answers him. ⁵Your Name replaces every thought of sin, and who is sinless cannot suffer pain. ⁶Your Name gives answer to Your Son, because to call Your Name is but to call his own. (
New comment 22d ago
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@Marguerite Erlandson yes, my sister! From a recent webinar about the importance of breathing...when we breathe in we are touching an inner space and saying "yes" to being here. When we breathe out we are releasing and cleansing...emptying out to the Mystery. And all this requires still awareness. Yet for this One, slowing enough to do this can be a challenge! So many yummy, sparkly biochemicals running that want to keep me moving, constantly moving. I hope that in time the quietness will become more attractive than those darn chemicals! In the interim, allowing "What Is" seems the antidote; so if allowing and loving are the same, then there we are once again...Love/God is there upon allowance, and the circle is complete. 💗Going "out" with the chemicals, allowing this, then returning to Love because as Liz Cronkite just wrote : " the very simple fact that pure consciousness, which is all around and everywhere, as present and ordinary as the oxygen in the air, is the love, and peace, and wholeness that you seek. You don’t have to reach for it. Just be open to it. It is right here." Don't you just love it? 😍 💫🌺🌟🙏
Lesson 350 Miracles mirror God’s eternal Love. To offer them is to remember Him, and through His memory to save the world.
What we forgive becomes a part of us, as we perceive ourselves. ²The Son of God incorporates all things within himself as You created him. ³Your memory depends on his forgiveness. ⁴What he is, is unaffected by his thoughts. ⁵But what he looks upon is their direct result. ⁶Therefore, my Father, I would turn to You. ⁷Only Your memory will set me free. ⁸And only my forgiveness teaches me to let Your memory return to me, and give it to the world in thankfulness. And as we gather miracles from Him, we will indeed be grateful. ²For as we remember Him, His Son will be restored to us in the reality of Love. (
New comment 25d ago
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I'm just home from having a tooth pulled, so am feeling a bit goofy! But this lesson feels important to turn into easily understood words for myself. I recently read that forgiveness is non-resistance, and I connect with this big time, so the first line is "What we forgive becomes a part of us, as we perceive ourselves". So, what I am non-resistant to becomes a part of me, (love this, the unity!), and how much I am willing to incorporate as part of myself, (that which I am not-resisting), this is determined by my current state of self-perception. Am I getting this right, folks? This feels like a rich lesson in its entirety, but this is all for now. Love to you all!!!💗
3 likes • 26d
@Noa Andermatt woops, not sure what happened to the last reply I any rate, my sister Noa, I can understand how the word "forgiveness" has a "fragrance" (beautiful adjective btw)...and that it therefore has a deeper healing quality to it than "non-resistance". I totally get it! It's really more that I spent literally YEARS trying to understand how ACIM meant the word "forgiveness", which is of course the bedrock principle of the Course, or so it seems. So I got all giddy when I came across the non-resistant thing, it really hit home for me! And to quote you from a previous comment that you made (which I copied to think about later) this non-resistance allows one to "be open, be ready to listen unconditionally, and embody gratefulness which makes life wonderful." And perhaps the "fragrance" does indeed make these loving actions easier! All I know is that you said it in a nutshell with these three actions, and however I get there is fine with me! Thank you for your lovely complimentary words, sweetie. I also greatly enjoy your loving descriptive words and energy! 💗
1-10 of 87
Isadora Karcher
204points to level up
Learning to live from, and as, love is my heart's desire. Many bumps, detours, and scrapes along the way, but they are part of The Deal too!

Active 11d ago
Joined Nov 13, 2023
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