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95 contributions to University of Code
Day 23 of Dev 30
My daily achievement 1. Productive morning: Today I woke up at 8 am, express my gratitude✅ 2. Organize my Task : ( , publish on linkedin or university of code , workout, reading session, call family and friends) ✅️ 3. 15 mins of learning: ✅️ 4. Get coding: same as yesterday✅ 5. Workout : ✅ 6. Lend a hand :"imagination is everything"✨️ 7. Link of dev 22:
New comment 13h ago
Day 22 of Dev 30
My daily achievement 1. Productive morning: Today I woke up at 8 am, express my gratitude✅ 2. Organize my Task : ( , publish on linkedin or university of code , workout, reading session❌️) ✅️ 3. 15 mins of learning: ✅️ 4. Get coding: same as yesterday✅ 5. Workout : ✅ 6. Lend a hand :" Everything in your brain doesn't need to come out of your mouth" 7. Link of day 21:
New comment 16h ago
2 likes • 16h
@Raymond Adeniyi yes for me i prefer people who act more than talk more , let your actions talk for you
1 like • 16h
@Aman Janwani Go Go go !!!!
Day 21 of Dev 30
My daily achievement 1. Productive morning: Today I woke up at 8 am, express my gratitude✅ 2. Organize my Task : ( , publish on linkedin or university of code , workout, reading session) ✅️ 3. 15 mins of learning: ✅️ 4. Get coding: same as yesterday✅ 5. Workout : ✅ 6. lend a hand: "" 7. Link of day 20:
New comment 2d ago
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@Jay Rathod Jay long time we've lost sight of you ?
0 likes • 2d
@Jay Rathod
The Cause of Programming: Adapt or Perish
What's up, Papafam? 🤘 Let's talk about the never-ending hustle in our coding world. New frameworks are constantly popping up, and the ones we know are always being updated, making tutorials outdated faster than you can say "NEXT js for instance." Documentation? Yeah, that's a moving target too. What worked yesterday might be ancient history today. It's like playing a game of coding whack-a-mole, where new challenges keep popping up as soon as you've smashed the old ones. And you know what they say, the only constant is change. But don't worry, we're in this together! 🤜🤛 You see, the most valuable skill for any programmer, software engineer, or developer isn't mastering a specific language or framework. Nope, it's the ability to adapt and learn continuously. It's about mastering the art of learning itself. Sure, understanding the core principles and fundamentals of the languages you work with is crucial. Those bad boys don't change much, so they're a solid foundation to build upon. But the real superpower? Being able to pick up new concepts and technologies like a coding chameleon. Because let's be real, the day you stop learning is the day you become obsolete. It's like Charles Darwin said (yeah, the evolution guy), "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one that is most adaptable to change." And let's not forget the OG evolutionary theorist, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, and his famous "theory of use and disuse." 💪 According to Lamarck, if you keep practicing and using your skills, they'll become sharper and more refined, like a programmer's biceps after endless hours of coding. 🏋️‍♂️ But if you let those skills gather dust, they'll become obscure and obsolete, like that old Java tutorial you found from 2002. 🕷️ So, embrace the chaos, Papafam! Ride the waves of change, and never stop expanding your coding horizons. That's the true cause of programming: continuous growth, adaptation, and a hunger for knowledge that never gets satisfied.
New comment 13h ago
2 likes • 2d
So true i like it => Plus: Learn from experts. Minus: Teach others what you know. Equal: Collaborate with peers. The constant change in programming is both a challenge and a thrill. Adapting and learning continuously is key.
React Roots: Don't Skip the Fundamentals 🌳
Hey Papafam! 👋 Dreaming big? Planning to build the next Netflix, Facebook, or Amazon with your sweet React skills? That's awesome! 🚀 The ambition is electrifying, and we're all here for it. But let's take a step back for a moment. Do we really understand the fundamentals and core principles of React? Knowing components, design patterns, hooks, and conditional rendering is great, but true mastery lies in deeply understanding React's core concepts. Before we start architecting the heavy code structures for our grand creations, we need to perfect the basics. It's like building a house - you wouldn't start with the roof before laying a solid foundation, right? 🏡 To effectively structure and organize React code, you need to know the fundamentals inside out. This means grasping how React's declarative nature makes code more predictable and easier to debug, understanding state management, and how components communicate. So let's [] When we do build our world-leading platforms, we want them to be not just functional, but robust, scalable, and maintainable. Remember, the strongest trees grow from the deepest roots. Let's grow our React roots together, Papafam! 👐 Keep coding, keep growing! Keep winning, keep doing you Remember in doing you become #Introduction to Props #Component Based Design #JSX Introduction #Building a Custom Hook & How to use a useRef
New comment 13h ago
2 likes • 2d
Always focus on the fundamentals and i encourage everyone in this group to watch Sonny React Basics 101 it's the best fondations to get fundamentals concepts of React, fundamentals is very essential for success in any field👌
1-10 of 95
Emmanuel Kouadio
101points to level up
Software Engenieer & Tech Enthusiast

Active 10h ago
Joined Apr 17, 2024
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