Following 10
Victor Pierantoni
• Active 6h ago
Bio: ⚔️ Timeless Wisdom For Unshakable Inner Peace 🏔️ Founder of Zen Stoic™️ and Liberation Coaching™️ 🧐 Coach, Philosopher, Martial Artist, Rascal
Emile Verkerk
Bali, Indonesia
• Active 2h ago
Bio: I'm interested in me, so I can be the best version of me that I can possibly be.
Rob Hanrieder
• Active 22d ago
Bio: My name is Rob. I am an Intuitive Wellness Coach. Having struggled with anxiety and depression I began my journey to find wealth from within.
Amy Manis
• Active 247d ago
Bio: I'm an RN who's ready to help heal people and not just treat their symptoms.Everyone deserves to have the kind of healing experience I had from breath
Louis Robert
• Active 36d ago
Bio: I am the Director of Operational Excellence for a construction company. I've wanted to do some sort of holistic practice since I was in high school.
Kelly Knight
• Active 348d ago
Bio: I’m a mom of two and grandma of one. I’m a massage therapist and starting out as a yoga instructor. My favorite place to be is in nature.
Stefano Albertella
Switzerland, Ticino • INFJ
• Active 17d ago
Bio: Transformational Breathwork Buteyko Method Instructor. Oxygen Advantage Advanced Instructor in training. I love reading and I am a trail runner.
Enoch Abraham
Atlanta, GA
• Active 2d ago
Bio: I’m interested in learning and applying ways to live my life with independence and freedom!
Andréa Mosca
Marquette, Michigan
• Active 417d ago
Bio: Chiropractor / Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) / USAF Veteran 23+yrs / Doula / NESTA Personal Trainer / Brain Tap Rep / Podcast Host
Noah Long
Toronto, Ontario CANADA • INTP
• Active 2h ago
Bio: Sovereign Individual | Breath Coach | Ballet Master | PBT Instructor | Concert Performer
1-10 of 10
Derek Udy
I make a living feeding the people and teaching them to breathe. I love creating art in as many ways as I can and sharing my skill!

Active 16h ago
Joined Jan 7, 2023
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