Bio: ✋🏼🤓📲 I am a mom who is using digital marketing as an alternative to pursuing a postgraduate big person job trading time for money away from family!
Bio: Hello. I am an entrepreneur, Realtor, Teacher, Mother to 3, Gigi to 4 littles, & a child of God. Single for the past 10 years, & ready for change.
Bio: From a small town in Canada, NB with dreams as big and far as the eye can see. I'm in my quantum leap stage and nothing can stop me or slow me down
Bio: I work a 7-4 right now- ready to leave that behind and work for myself. I’m an empty nester of 3 wonderful children . Now time for me. My turn to grow
Bio: I'm a mother of 3 beautiful children, financial freedom is my goal. I tried almost everything in life, and it never worked out. This is my last hope!
Bio: I help people stop working so hard, and learn to make money online so they can take back control of their lives and believe in their dreams again!
Bio: Anton is helping people online become wealthy, get out of debt & live a better life. Visit my website at to get more sales daily.