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$100M Coffee(6-6:15 PST) is happening in 12 hours
#1 on the Skool GAME leaderboard day 1
Day 1 of Skool game is about to finish and I wanted to share some observations that I made re successful communities here on Skool . They all have a simple funnel! But there are tons of value in that simple funnel. Most of them have one video only(at least more than 10 that I studied), but that video is very comprehensive. It talks about the credibility of the host and what’s inside the program. It is motivational, and it has the ability to make audience emotional. The ability that if you implement as a part of your 100Msystems , audience will be sold rather than you selling to them. Most of successful people also have another medium where they nurture their leads before converting them through the Skool funnel. The second important part is the caption section. most of successful communities have bullet points that clearly estates what members can get by purchasing their program . If you ever wanted to create this system , comment VSL (video sales letter) and we can help you create one of the best VSLs with editing to the level or better than that of Hormozi’s Ads ! First 5 people who comment, I will invite them to a call where I will help them get ready to shoot and make their VSL awesome!
New comment Feb 20
I generated 5 Leads Day2 on a Live Case study running Tiktok ads
I am running a real time campaign on tiktok and generating leads. I am sharing honest and live results as I proceed. Any questions ? let me know you can now access the training here: or watch it here:
Complete action
New comment Feb 2
$100M Systems in a nutshell! Knowledge -> Action -> Results (MUST READ🔥)
This community is all about results. ✔️ You are here because you are 1-a go getter and 2-want to get results using $100M systems! and we can only teach them to you, or better to say..."you can only Learn them" If you choose to play "The game"! We also tend to keep things brief, because you should be busy DOING THINGS , not reading things! Readings happen on skool game , here. If you wish to read. So to kick things off , let me draw a $100M systems that you need to implement in order to play the money game right: This system consist of 7 pillars: 1-$100M Mindset: Be yourself and grow within the community. our Community does not belong to one person, it belongs to all of its members. As you know, you are the average of 5 people who you hang out with! That is the foundation of this community. You are here because you are a WINNER. In this community we hang out with people who have the $100M winning Mindset, things can get hard but we support each other to go. to next level. If you can't resonate you will either find yourself learning and asking questions or breaking up with us (no drama! lol) 2-$100M Circles: (This is YOU, this is US.We are are here to make us a community, so make yourself known to our community members and make our community known to others. Go big or go home, Become a regular or leave (don't just leave it will hurt our churn rate!, ask me to kick you out) Regulars get to unlock out most sought after classes too, if you needed motivation.. 3-$100M Actions: (We have $100M support group to inspire you daily, we meet early mornings for coffee everyday, online, visit here and add it to your calendar)- This is where the real magic and real impact happens! What time zone are you in? 4-$100M Consistency: You need to "Stay in the game" . As Hormozi always says "you can not lose if you do not quit". As long as you are in our community you will be a player! and we will keep you accountable to PLAY! So if you stay you get the perks too! But you need to be or become "A Player"
New comment Feb 1
Tiktok for Skoolers! (A Data approach)
A part of $100M systems , is your content and the ability to make your content visible. Alex Hormozi considers himself King of ads, and being a noob in the organic marketing.!(!) As you can see he is also running Ads to promote Skool , while having a big organic audience, So that means regardless of your current audience size, you need to run ads to promote something new. (if you haven’t seen the Hormozi Ad tutorial its now in the classroom) So what is the best platform to pick to run ads? You can use Facebook Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, you name it. Recently, TikTok has shown to be the number one place for new advertisers! The dashboard that Tiktok provides with the amount of details for advertising is unparallelled . And we have seen so much success for our clients. I have attached a report from Tiktok that talks about a business in the education space who is generating lead at $6.64. This is the average industry price to generate lead for education Space. if you’re going to be promoting your Skool group you most likely need to compete against Education standard KPI. Common below what is your current cost per lead? Do you even track it? This is the foundation of $100 million system your DATA.📈 Tiktok is a really good place for organic reach as well. We have generated 11M views organically in just 30days for one of our clients and he sold out all of his shows across the country ! What is your favourite lead generation platform? And what is your CPL? Do you use data in your generation endeavour? Do you track your data? According to Tiktok data (attached), BUSINESSES in Education space (which is most of Skoolers) are expecting to see a $6.64 (CPL) cost per lead. That means if your community is making $7 per person either through paid community, high ticket or high ticket offers you would be breaking even just by running ads. Anything after that is going to be your profit Vote below: P.s. I have put together an amazing video on how to use TikTok ads and TikTok analytics comment TikTok ads if you want access.
6 members have voted
New comment Jan 31
This guy generated 13 new leads overnight!
I was just scrolling through the comments in the skool games and I noticed I can answer a few questions that people had. Turned out my answers helped this guy. This guy that I attached below was not running ads, and I helped him with a simple tip to run paid ads on his most performing content ! he got 13 new leads over. When you run a business or a community, you either have time or money! If you don’t have money, but have time you need to create content to grow organically. As soon as you start making money, you need to put some of that money into paid ads because you may not have enough time to make organic reach. and that is for sure time taking! And believe it or not paid ads are laser focussed. Even if you make organic reach you still need to run ads for the specific product you’re promoting to the specific attention. A part of your $100 million system is going to be this! For example, even though Alex Hormozi has created a massive organic audience, he still run ads for his book launch! He has spent $127,000 only on Ads for his $100M leads book launch! He’s still running ads to bring people to Skool having all of these organic audience and channels. Now the real question is how much budget should you assign to ads, how to create ads and how to A/B test them , and where to run Ads? What stage are you at in the ad running game? Let us know in the comments
New comment Jan 31
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