Yoga Beyond
Private group
20 members
$97 /month
Next Free Workshop:
Mark your calendar
Sat. 9 March 2023
9-10am CET
use this link to attend FREE Workshop ZOOM:
WELCOME TO YOGA BEYOND, a global community of yoga practitioners and students practicing & experiencing Hatha Yoga under the guidance of VASU, our spiritual Yoga Guru in Bangalore, India.
Tired of the daily grind and overwhelmed by life's chaos? Join us to experience the transformative power of YOGA BEYOND and feel:
DISCOVER inner clarity , joy and peace
LIBERATE your mind
FEEL at ease, balanced, and aligned
CONNECT body and mind with the soul
TRAVEL with a conscious global community of like-minded humans
All you need is a mat.
What's inside:
  • Weekly 60-minute live yoga sessions with VASU: Mantra, Warm-up, Sun Salutations, Asanas, Pranayama (Breath-work), and Yoga Nidra (Meditation):
-->Tue 6am and 8am CET
--> Thu 6am and 8am CET
--> Sat 9am CET.
  • Pre-recorded sessions
  • Online workshops and community
Welcome home to yourself.
Privacy and terms
Private group
Be part of YOGA BEYOND: Weekly live online Hatha Yoga and recorded sessions, community, and workshops with VASU, our spiritual Yoga Guru. Join us!
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