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"How the f*ck can purpose 10x your income?!"
Every single day, I get comments on social media asking: -- "Euan... What is purpose?" "How do I find my purpose?" "Why do I have no purpose?" -- And every time I give an answer, people get surprised... They realize they we're looking for a needle in a haystack but the needle was actually another piece of hay (hahaha). Here’s what I mean by this… First off, 90% of people don't even know purpose exists. And for those who do, they think about it all wrong... Why do I say that? Because they think it's a way to remove pain, suffering, or struggle from life. But it's the complete opposite. Purpose GIVES pain, struggle, and suffering TO your life. Do you get it yet? Purpose isn’t the opposite of a problem. Purpose IS the biggest problem you can find. It’s just that this problem holds meaning to you (compared to all others). The pain, struggle, and suffering become worth it. It even weirdly becomes fun... You see it for what it is: Progress. So if you want to find purpose in life, don't think "what would remove all my suffering and make life heaven on earth". Instead, think "what massive problem would I find meaning in solving?" For example, mine is: Help every human on earth find and monetize their purpose through building a business that reflects it. AKA: Help people solve meaningful problems. This brings me onto how it relates to your business... You're probably aware that business is simply problem solving right? Solve better problems, get paid more. Solve worse problems, get paid less. So what better problem to solve than your own personal life purpose? Something so big that it drives not only you, but ALL your audience, family, and friends for the rest of your life. As a great man once said: "Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory." - Mahatma Gandhi With a tiny purpose, you'll never have enough fuel for a lifetime. With a huge purpose, you'll give fuel to the entire world. Now… Onto my final point:
New comment Aug '24
$55/m course for $0 (Purpose-Based Branding)
My mission is to help 101M people use their life's purpose to build a profitable business. And my flagship course which has helped dozens find said purpose, used to only be accessible behind a $55/m paywall. But I quickly realized that wasn't aligned with my mission... So as a lil' gift, and a step forward: You can go through it for free, right now. Just pop over to the classroom section of this community, and you'll see it ;) As usual - I love you, Euan
New comment Jul '24
$55/m course for $0 (Purpose-Based Branding)
Hey there! Welcome to the X Order Team Skool Group. We aim to turn this group into the Internet's leading community for Digital Writers looking to grow an organic following (all while making money) 🚨PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO FIRST!!🚨 🚨PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO FIRST!!🚨 🚨PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO FIRST!!🚨 So if any of that resonates with you, you're in the right place! ~~~ If you do not want to lead a movement that leaves a positive impact on the world, then this place is not for you. But if you do, here are a few rules: - Please do not funnel, sell, or promote your services inside X Order Team. - Please do not be offensive, un-worthy, or communicate with low-quality language. - Please take your time to post high-quality posts (this benefits you as well, check below) ~~~ With that out of the way, here's how to get started: 1) Leave a comment under this post introducing yourself and sharing your biggest writing goal at the moment. 2) Then, scan through the rest of the comments on this post and reply to 2-3 other introductions you resonate with. If you haven't already, go read the mission statement about the movement we are leading together. Click here to see the full X Order Mission statement.
New comment Jul '24
Your private invite to finally getting the results you deserve
A few weeks ago, a member of our paid community said: -- I know what I have to do, but I struggle to do it. I'm not sure if it's my schedule, planning, or discipline that's the issue. Can you show me how you go about planning your days and content? -- So I went about showing my planners, content schedule, etc... But nothing did the job. He was still as confused. You wanna know why? Because systems aren't always the issue. Yes... They are fundamental to making progress. But there's one big thing that comes before them, and applying it makes the difference between success, or failure. Think about it... If you have systems but struggle to use them, then what's even the point of having them? This brings me to the main idea of today's letter: Video Games. Now you're probably thinking "huhhh, video games? Aren't they bad for you?" In some cases yeah... But you're thinking about the wrong type. The greatest shift I've ever experienced in my digital journey was realizing there’s no difference between a game like Fortnite, or a game like social media. In the common "video games", you press a combo of buttons on a keyboard that results in the desired outcome of winning (or losing if your enemy knows better combos). The same goes for social media. All you're doing is learning & using combos. You see... 90% of people are willing to spend 10k+ hours pressing the same button over & over in a video game to gain stats (or playing the same map until they know it like the back of their hands), but aren't willing to do the same for their success. And the crazy part? Both take just as much effort, time, and knowledge. So from now on, I want you to adopt the video game mental model. Let me explain... When you play a video game, you play it for the sake of playing it right? You don't want it to end. You just want to play. This is how you should approach online biz. Play it for the sake of playing it. Stop thinking about the results. Focus purely on playing at the top of your ability.
New comment Aug '24
$5,000 per month writing about what you love online
Eyyyy what’s good! I talk a lot about how The Impact Creator Accelerator has the potential to change your life lately (a new version of Purpose-Based branding). To date: Savas used these methods to get over 7 paying clients in 30 days… Aidan (who won’t be an educator, but has helped build the program), has helped Ashley make over $40k online using the methods we teach… Then helped Julian make his first $1k online…. I’ve used them to make over $15k in the last few months working on what I love, every single day (which is more than double what I made in my 9-5 working 75H a week)…. Together, we used these methods to get 60+ monthly paying clients in our community in under 48h… And finally we used them for this exact program to make $5.6k in less than 10 days (and counting). All this to say that this sh*t works. Plain and simple. I LOVE to see how—if you take the principles and frameworks in The Impact Creator Accelerator, you can completely change your trajectory as an online writer, digital entrepreneur, or content creator. Seeing people able to find what they truly find meaningful… Then monetize that? I mean… I got no words. For example, before we helped Julian start making money online, he was a lost & confused. Posting daily, pitching daily, but getting no results. All because he didn’t truly enjoy what he was doing. The moment he found it? That’s when he started making money (by using these methods)… But not just making money, he loves his life more than anything in the world now. And at the end of the day—Isn’t that the goal? If Julian’s story reminds you of yourself, then it’s time to take ACTION. It’s not too late! You can still sign up for The Impact Creator Accelerator and get $500 off the regular price (spots are going fast… Only 8 left! (out of 15)) Reply to this email with “Impact” and I’ll send you over some more details. As usual - I love you, Euan PS... UPDATE! One of my students and friends, had NO IDEA what he wanted to monetize before… that made him hold back from buying anything like this…
New comment Jul '24
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