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Appreciate You My Friend
As some of you may know, I had to go into the hospital ER last week due to health complications. I really appreciate your love, support, and prayers during this time. These past 3 weeks have been very challenging for me, but I know God has been with me through this valley, helping me learn more about my life on purpose with Him and growing even in my faith and trust in Him in these difficult times. I'm starting to feel much better since being in the hospital, and I'm slowly progressing, feeling better each day. God bless you, love you, and hope you're having an incredible week. I'll continue to update you on my health and how God is working through all this.
New comment Apr 4
Appreciate You My Friend
Hello! Welcome to the Kingdom Warriors Skool ๐Ÿ™Œ This Skool aims to help Entrepreneurs, Content Creators, and Coaches/Consultants become Kingdom Warriors [on purpose for Kingdom Impact] and reach Financial Freedom by mastering the ins and outs of value-based connecting and marketing online through simple, viral, and impactful content. Start by checking out these links. - Classroom [free training & entrepreneur bible studies] - Work With Austin To kick things off, Like this post & comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name 2. What project[s] you're currently focused on 3. End your post with "I AM A KINGDOM WARRIOR" See you in the comments!
New comment Mar 11
Happy Motherโ€™s Day Family!!!
I hope everyone is enjoying today with loved ones. ๐Ÿ˜Š
Happy Motherโ€™s Day Family!!!
Be Encouraged Kingdom Warriors!
This is a message God has been sharing with me lately & it was on my heart to share it here today: The plan God has for our lives wonโ€™t be in our comfort zone. It wonโ€™t be an easy assignment that we can do on our own. He called us to step out on faith trusting that whatever it is we lack, He will make up for. He will provide. Weโ€™ve been led to this point (to Kingdom Purpose Warriors) for a reason. I hope this encourages you today as it was an encouragement to me. Keep trusting God. Grace + Peace ๐Ÿ’•
New comment May 11
Be Encouraged Kingdom Warriors!
The Hidden Power of Chaos.
It is my firm belief that the best businesses are built on the go and in complete chaos. Not only because Alex Hormozi said it, but because I really really really hope it to be true for myself ๐Ÿ˜‚ Chaos teaches you how to struggle, adapt, and it really tests your frame as a man . How do you respond to the changing environment? I believe this is the main stark advantage that all of us of our generation have. At no other time in history have we had this many obstacles to overcome. Constant overwhelm, choices everywhere, anxiety and depression breathing down our necks. For those that can build and hold their frame, this will be the biggest opportunity in history. When we have random shit thrown at us, new things pop up, or unexpected consequencesโ€ฆ All of that is GOLD for building our charactersโ€ฆ No one can complete with the man thatโ€™s faced over a thousand objections, but STILL decided to push for a certain decision. People aren't going to like you, โ€œyou donโ€™t listenโ€, โ€œyouโ€™re unbalancedโ€, โ€œidioticโ€, โ€œtoo idealisticโ€, โ€œunrealisticโ€, โ€œtoo optimisticโ€, etc.โ€ฆ Just let it add to the wave my friend. You have an entire community of people here that are battling the same thing. Letโ€™s make use of this opportunity and invest. If you need any help, feel free to DM. Get those networks going my friend.
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Kingdom Warriors
Helping Kingdom-Minded Creators, Coaches, Speakers, & Online Entrepreneurs Unleash Their Purpose & Bless Millions Online - Click start here link below
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