Wedding Filmmaker Academy
Private group
729 members
$97 /month
Access all the playbooks we've used to shoot, edit and book over $100k/year in weddings!
+ Get $10,997 Worth Of FREE Gifts
Choose any class you want from our collection taught by top experts—Including new releases.
▶️ Marketing
▶️ Sales
▶️ Copywriting
▶️ Rank on Google with SEO
▶️ Email Marketing & Automations
▶️ Funnel Building
▶️ Behind The Scenes Filmmaking
▶️ Editing
▶️ Audio
▶️ Drone
▶️ Live Streaming
▶️ Beginner's Guide To Booking
▶️ Uncut Editing Sessions
▶️ Video Critique Vault
▶️ Live Mastermind Recordings
And So Much More!
Coming soon:
🔜 Advanced Ads Strategies
🔜 Filming with Anamorphic Lenses
🔜 A.I Funnels
🔜 Tax Planning For Creatives
🏆 Prizes and gifts for members on the leaderboards every month!!
  • Alexander Ma films a wedding with you (FREE!)
  • VIP Day with Alex (FREE!)
  • Shadow our team at a wedding (FREE!)
  • Workshop & Mastermind Passes (FREE!)
🔓 Become a member for $97/month and get the exact blueprint used by the 1% of filmmakers!
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Wedding Filmmaker Academy
Access the greatest business, filmmaking, editing & funnel training for Wedding Filmmakers...all in ONE place! Transform your business and your life!
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