Are Challenges Dead?
Hell freaking no they ain't.
In fact we are breaking down Jeremy Miner's 5-Day "Crush Your Commissions" Challenge πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
This challenge is expected to do a badonka-donk of new cash flow for his company.
And I'm here to break it all down for you.
"But Austin I'm not a big fish like..."
*insert fish slap* 🐟
It don't matter. Everything I'm breaking down for you is based on principles I've already taught in Virtual Event Skool.
Authority, Reciprocity, Trust, Social Proof, ect...
And the best part is most events I've done that were super successful have had an average of 60 people in attendance.
So you too can do this.
So before I get to it...
What questions can I answer for you as we go through this behemoth of a challenge?
Austin Ford
Are Challenges Dead?
Virtual Event School
Helping Coaches, Experts, Consultants create high-value programs that sell for 3-30k automatically.
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