Lendon Bracewell
Execute Order 66: Marketing Firestorm
Jul '23 (edited) in Job Search
Execute Order 66: Marketing Firestorm
If you want an employee job, you'll need your own portfolio & skills first.
Follow the marketing procedures linked below and you may also ask a Lendon or a Wizard to write you a recommendation letter to a company you might do an interview with.
If you want freelance work, you can use WizardVFX.com portfolio for sales (get your picture added to the website and be a Wizard representative), the money will still go to you. Just don't rip our reel and use it for personal branding. The simpler way to do this is to simply build a spreadsheet of leads and ask us to email them, if we get a project from one of those leads we will notify you and you will control the budget, etc.
You may also talk to about how you can get paid to help create/improve our marketplace accounts (Fiverr, Upwork, Linkedin, etc) and get paid work through there.
Compositing, 3D, Mograph
(for Films, Commercials, Music Videos & more)
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