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🤨 “How do I get my friends to take good pictures of me?”
Wow. In just a couple days we have 1,000 members going through IG engineering. Let’s double it. Why? Well - The most common question I get is written in the subject line of this email… “how do I get my friends to get better at taking pics of me?” You’re learning all this stuff, but wouldn’t it be much easier if your homies understood all of this too? Well - the answer to that question is now incredibly easy to act on, simply send them an invite to Instagram Engineering. All they really need to do is watch the last course video “80/20 Content Generation”. Here you go: copy this and text it to them You could say something like, “yo - think it would be worth going through this so we can both level up on ig. This guy Arlin made it - he’s the 🐐” Spread the word, - Arlin
New comment Mar 18
Welcome to Instagram Engineering!
1.) Make sure you bio lists your Instagram account name 2.) Introduce yourself in the community, share photos for feedback, and most importantly DO THE WORK IN THE PROGRAM. Guys - seriously - I should have charged you for this... My only ask for giving you all this for free is that you share Instagram Engineering with at least one friend. There is your referral link. You can also share a photo that you are going through Instagram Engineering on your Instagram Story, and if you tag me @arlin and I'll repost you! How to get the most value out of Instagram Engineering: A - Complete The Un-F*ck Your Instagram Guide, & Archive Your Bad Photos B - Go Through Instagram Engineering & Learn How to Get Amazing Photos C - Take Massive Action & Get Amazing Content D - Post Your New Content in the Instagram Engineering Community for Feedback! E - Share “Instagram Engineering” with Friends, on Your IG Story, Tag @arlin for a Repost F - Test Your New Instagram, DM higher value people, DM for dates & deals G - Check Out Tribe Accelerator And MOST IMPORTANTLY, give 10x more than you take. Always seek to give value before you ask for it. Give others feedback before even considering asking for feedback on your own content. What you give, the world will return. Cheers, - Arlin PS - How are you not in Maxi yet? Use this code "engineering" to get in Maxi for just $1 and start leveling up your mindset while you work on your instagram
This week sales
Almost hits 3.51k pounds daily. Store age 5 months. Always run the store with a profitable niche. Hoping this sales will continue growing.
Los Angeles Tune in!
Hey everyone, looking to connect with you all. Feel free to comment what you do and your Instagram, I'd love to help you all out. @yeroaim
Let's Lock In on IG, Southern California
Creatives and influencers in SC let's link up. If you like any of these pages , we might be a good fit. - - - - - - - -
New comment 7d ago
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Instagram Engineering is a Tribe Accelerator sub-course. Get the complete Tribe Accelerator course by joining Arlin's Group via the link below.
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