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🌟Training methods
👩🏼‍🎓I thought I would share some thoughts with my community about the type of training methods I use. It's important to me that you are all aware of my approach to ensure you get the most out of your training and the very best results with your dog! 1. I do not see training as 'obedience'. Training to me is giving your dog everyday skills to cope with life in our human world. Each and every moment is an opportunity to 'train' because your dog is constantly in a state of leaning, taking in their environment and your cues every single moment. They are hired wired to do this, whether or not you think you are training them.🐶 2. The kind of relationship you have with your dog is the overarching aspect of life with them. This means building trust so they know what they can expect from you and to help them feel safe. After all, apart from food and shelter, all our dogs need and want is to feel safe. It's our job to make that happen.🐶 3. Choices - giving our dog 'agency' is vital to help reduce problem behaviours. Allowing them the opportunity to fulfil their innate canine needs is the key to having a calm and happy pooch. After all, we make practically every decision for them. Having any control over their own lives has been completely removed so any small chance to give them a decision to make is going to give them some satisfaction.🐶 4. Learn about your dog. Understand them. Observe them. Read their body language. Know what they enjoy and what they don't. Keep them out of situations they find challenging. Give them more of what they love. Spend time with them. And I'm not referring to just walking, but in play and fun. Advocate for them.🐶 5. Change your thinking - instead of being in a constant battle to stop this or that behaviour, consider what your dog is actually trying to communicate to you? Instead of applying labels to your dog like 'crazy', 'stubborn', 'wild', 'naughty' etc, why not consider the world through the lens of your dog? If you start to change your language around your dog (which really just insinuates that they are deserving of being told off, punished, and so on), we will foster a kinder, gentle approach that helps the dog learn and understand.🐶
New comment Sep '23
🌟Training methods
Hi Team! Now that you have joined my community, please let me know about you and your dog. Please respond below & tell me who you are, your dog's breed, name and the challenges you face day to day with your pooch.🐶
New comment Nov '23
Welcome to my page! I look forward to supporting you with positive, ethical, force-free training methods to help you and your dog live harmoniously together!
New comment Sep '23
Skool Platform
Hi team! I would really like some input from you in relation to this platform. I have offered two free classes as well as an opportunity to discuss your doggy challenges in a group format that is a little less invasive and more private than Facebook! My thoughts are around whether or not it is viable to continue. If you could please complete my poll I would appreciate it.
3 members have voted
New comment Jan 16
Happy New Year - did someone say new puppy?!
🐶Tis the season for new puppies! If this is you, keep reading! 🤔Thinking you won't worry about training while your puppy is young, you'll worry about this later? ⚠️THIS IS YOUR FIRST MISTAKE! ⭐Begin how you mean to finish! 💓It's never too early to start rewarding the good behaviours & building a connection with YOU! 🥇This will build the foundation of behaviours & a history of positive experiences, to serve you when the dreaded teenager emerges! ☎️Contact me directly today to LEARN WHAT TO DO! 💻Please share this with anyone you know who has a new puppy. Don't let that crucial 16 week window close before you start!
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Train Your Dog With Helen
Giving your dog skills for life. No obedience, just relationship.
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