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Hello everyone I'm new here Am I welcome?
New comment 14d ago
Join my LIVE calls
As we head into the new year I want to call to attention You may notice there are no live calls in this group That's because all of my live calls are in my premium community Contentpreneurs If you would like live training from me as well as 5 calls a week from each one of our coaches to start, grow, and optimize your business. Click the link below and get yourself in before we raise the prices in 5 days See you there
New comment 22d ago
The Difficulty In Quantifying Your Skill Set
There are many different people on social media who are β€œSuccessful” We often look at them and take their word for gospel. A lot of the things they say may sway us to make rash decisions. Today I would love to do an exercise with you to help quantify your skill set. As always, take this reading with a grain of salt as these are philosophical theories and not the ultimate answer. Absorb information and then make your own decision on what pieces to incorporate into your daily life. Step 1: Find 3 social media creators that you enjoy watching and summarize their goals and aspirations. Look up how old they are and what they’ve done to get into the position that they are in. Did they break up with their girlfriend? Did they Quit their 9-5 and take a big leap into entrepreneurship. Maybe they moved out of their hometown at a very young age. Either create a list or observe and keep track of this information in your mind. Step 2: Now that you’ve got the basis for what THEY did for success. Let’s apply this to ourselves. We can all agree that success takes sacrifice, also the more we sacrifice the more success we can achieve. The catch is understanding what to sacrifice. Let’s run the exercise on ourselves. Will breaking up with your girlfriend move you closer to your goal or farther away, and will you regret it when you arrive at your β€œDestination” It’s very difficult to quantify the value your significant other provides now, and especially years down the line. Let’s do some very serious thinking and decide as best as we can now. Is this the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with? The person to raise my children? Will they support my work ethic and grow with me? Will they follow my instructions and trust in my judgment. If the answer to all or most of those is yes. You have got a woman with MUCH higher value than the majority of women. Congratulations you may actually be ahead of some of your inspirations. If you value your woman at $1Million/year and your favorite YouTuber is doing $500k/year You’re cumulative value may be much higher, just not on the common subjects that are quantified. Let’s go deeper. Do you have a 9-5 that
New comment 25d ago
The First Step to Positive Change
"Recognizing Bad Habits" by @Benny D stressed the importance of self-awareness in overcoming bad habits and making positive changes. Breaking bad habits can be challenging, but it's essential for personal growth and success. By developing new, positive behaviors, we can improve our well-being and make progress towards our goals. Highly recommend watching this video to make positive changes in your life. πŸ™Œ
New comment Feb 4
Welcome to Top Setter This course and community is designed to provide you with the skills necessary for beginners to make $5,000-$10,000 a month as appointment setters, as well as provide business owners the knowledge needed to scale their business to generate 5-6 figures a month. As you get acquainted with the layout of the community Make your way over to the "Classroom" tab and post your "Why" My team and I look forward to seeing all the great Why's that come out of the group here + all the success stories to come We want to extend our warmest welcome to you all Sincerely ~ Benny D + Top Setter Team
New comment Feb 4
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