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Bi-weekly Q&A call is happening in 36 hours
Faith and Flow Satsang recording is ready
Go to Classroom to watch. What is faith? Come back into flow by reconnecting to faith. It is all about the crown chakra. Let's explore this together. Faith is held by our beliefs, values, habits, celebrations, rites of passage... for some this may be rooted in their religion. If you are not religious, you may have created your own - or follow yoga or pagan rituals to support your faith. Like, comment, and post to get access to more content.
Faith and Flow Satsang recording is ready
Welcome to the Thrive Community.
Hey, I am excited to welcome you to our new community. I have been looking for the right platform for a few years now and I am confident that I have found a world-class way to deliver what you need to help you thrive in every aspect of your life. There is a point system that unlocks new content. Post, like, and comment to earn points and unlock the next features. You'll find challenges, yoga classes, monthly mini retreat, live Q&A's and more... Everything designed to help you find peace, flow, joy, connection, and abundance in your everyday life. Introduce yourself, post a pic, and share your biggest challenge right now... aka what made you click on the link to this community?
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New comment May '24
Welcome to the Thrive Community.
Dark MOon Zoom link As there was a problem with the ;ink, I ma rescheduling to TUESDAY EVNING @8pm Link is now fixed.🥰
New comment May '24
Dark MOon Zoom link
Regaining Faith.
This week’s Q&A we will talk about regaining faith when all feels lost. Faith vibrates in the 7th chakra and is not religion - Your religion may hold and support your faith - no matter your religious beliefs, we all need to tap into faith. 💕 Join me Tuesday 8pm for this discussion - which of course includes a meditation to help you to tune in ✨
Regaining Faith.
Rescheduled: Dark Moon Mini Retreat
I was called to a birth last night and so our mini retreat is rescheduled to Sunday evening! Some yoga, yoga breathing, yoga Nidra and intention setting. The key to intention setting is calming the nervous system so that you tap into clarity, intuition, creativity and most of all a great sense of possibility. Join me TUESDAY 8pm 🥰🥰 link in calendar.
Rescheduled: Dark Moon Mini Retreat
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Thrive Collective
It's your time to Thrive! The ultimate platform for women's health and wellbeing.
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