The Socratic Project
Public group
1 member
Do you find philosophy and history boring, irrelevant, hard to understand or even pretentious?
This community is going to show you that all of these things are not true.
Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger sit around and read all day. I know that you don't have the time or the desire to do that, so this community is for you.
I (a philosophy major) will do a lot of the sitting around reading for you and then distill some of the wisdom I learn into easy to understand and apply content. There will be courses, history, stories and profiles - anything you may request!
I also want to learn with you. I am by no means an expert and want a place for discussion and ideas to be the norm. You will be encouraged to post, ask questions and debate different ideas which may be interesting you.
I want to talk with and be around people who are interested in ideas and stories just like me. I couldn't find anywhere, so I created a place here.
It is free now, but it it will become a paid group later in the piece!
Privacy and terms
Humanity has produced some amazing things, ideas and stories. This is a community for people who want to learn and love it together.
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