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Google gives you access to a demo analytics account
Hey friends, Kole feel free to delete this if it's not the right place to post. Company I work for is clueless when it comes to analytics, so I'm taking some time to learn Google analytics. I just thought I would share this because I thought it was awesome. Google allows you to have access to a demo account. So you can see what the analytics for a large e-commerce store looks like and run experiments for interpreting data. I've attached a screenshot. Easily found if you just search google analytics demo account. Its free and pairs well with Googles Analytics course if you want to go deeper (this is provided from google I wouldn't trust any other domains offering this)
New comment Feb 21
Google gives you access to a demo analytics account
STRATEGY REVEAL: Skyrocket Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) (5 Min Read)
🚀🌠 STRATEGY REVEAL: 📊 Boost Your Ecommerce Brand's Performance & 🚀 Skyrocket Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) 🚨 Are you an Ecommerce brand owner witnessing stagnant sales, customer churn, or struggling to elevate your brand's loyalty and repeat business? If you're nodding yes, then this deep dive is crafted for you. 🛑 Before you blame market saturation or product offerings, consider this: the key to exponential growth and sustainability lies in maximizing your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). It's not just about acquiring new customers; it's about nurturing and increasing the value of existing ones. ⚠️⚠️⚠️ The secret sauce to enhancing CLV often lies beyond just the product quality. It encompasses: ❌ Personalized Customer Experiences: Beyond basic segmentation ❌ Stellar Customer Service: Turning service into sales ❌ Engaging Loyalty Programs: Beyond points and discounts ❌ Strategic Email Marketing: Crafting journeys, not just blasts 📈 Mastering these areas can transform your Ecommerce brand from a one-time stop to a beloved go-to for your customers... 🚀🌠 LET'S UNPACK THIS: 🌠🚀 🔥 #1 | Personalized Customer Experiences In an era where personalization is expected, how can you go above and beyond? Tailoring the shopping experience isn't just about using a customer's name in an email. It's about: - Curating product recommendations based on past purchases and browsing behavior. - Customizing marketing messages based on customer lifecycle stages. - Utilizing AI and machine learning for predictive personalization, enhancing the relevance of your interactions. 🔥 #2 | Stellar Customer Service Customer service is your frontline for retention and CLV growth. Transform your customer service from a cost center into a revenue generator: - Implement omnichannel support to meet customers where they are (social media, live chat, email). - Use customer feedback to proactively solve recurring issues, reducing friction and improving satisfaction. - Empower your service team to go the extra mile with gestures like surprise upgrades, discounts, or personalized thank you notes.
STRATEGY REVEAL: Skyrocket Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) (5 Min Read)
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