Write something
Introduce yourself
Let's help each other out! What is your age? How tall are you (no judgement)? How much do you weigh? What are your goals?
New comment May '24
Just check it out! We will be releasing TONS of free content. Please feel free to give feedback on what you like and what you’d like to see more. Dedicated to our growth phase right now before more content will be pushed out.
New comment Apr '24
Giveaway Info
Welcome new members! It is our goal to build a free, engaging community for people with similar mindsets to connect. We also wish to create an exciting system to give back to this community, to do so, we will create a paid community in which paid members will automatically be entered into our monthly giveaways. Giveaways will begin at 100 paid members with $1000 prize, we hope to increase giveaway frequency and amount as we grow! Feedback encouraged!
New comment Apr '24
Giveaway Info
What quote got you thinking!?
Each one of us has come across certain words that have got us thinking for minutes, even hours. Share those words of wisdom below to inspire and enlighten others and include what you've deduced after pondering on them. Something that recently got my attention were the words: "Never take life too seriously, for you can never come out of it alive" What I learnt from them is - The essence of life is not about reaching a specific destination or achieving certain goals, but about enjoying the journey along the way. Embrace each moment, laugh often, and live without regrets. Life is too short to be spent in constant worry; savor the joy and beauty in every step. Now, it's your turn. What words have left a lasting impact on you, and what have you deduced after pondering them? Share your insights below.
New comment Jun '24
Any success dropshipping?
New comment May '24
Any success dropshipping?
1-23 of 23
The Connect
Building a community.
Teaching gym, calisthenics, mindset, ecommerce, and trading basics.
Growing with giveaways.
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