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Dear SynodalU Community Members
With a heart full of gratitude, we inform you that this community is transforming and will find its place on Instagram in the coming months. We want to deeply thank you for every conversation, every exchange of ideas, and for the unbreakable passion you have brought to this unique space. We will continue sharing inspiring content, learning opportunities, and, of course, fostering the deep and meaningful discussions that have characterized this community. That is why we invite you to continue this journey there, where we will embark together on a new stage of connection, inspiration, and growth. Let's stay connected on Instagram @synodal.u We are eager to welcome you and continue sharing, learning, and growing together in this new chapter. Thank you for every shared moment, every exchanged idea, and every step we have taken together. The story continues, and the best is yet to come. In the meantime, let's remain united in prayer for the upcoming synod assembly and the desire for a more synodal Church, in outreach, and where everyone finds a place to be and live evangelically. With love and hope, #SynodalU #TheJourneyContinues #SeeYouOnInstagram 🌟
Early Church history
Currently reading 4 Whitnesses by Rod Bennett. So far my faith in the church has been greatly strengthened.
New comment Feb 7
Last Synodal Coffee for January 2024
Hello everyone, hope you can join our conversation today at / 3pm Chicago Time/ 2pm Pacifit Time /and 4pm New York Time. Today we will discuss the "Towards 2024 Assembly" - What is left to be done? What are the guidelines established by the Synodal Fathers/Mothers? Hope you can join our diallogue. Access the link on the calendar
New comment Feb 7
Myth or fact?
As I said in my presentation, I am studying theology. In my city, lay people and seminarians study together which is undoubtedly an enrichment. In fact, I think that synodality begins in the classrooms (I'm writing an article about this, in fact). There have been many conversations we have had about synodality and I am surprised that some of the seminarians were totally against the participation of the lay people in this process, especially in the final assembly. They claimed that collegiality was lost. What do you think about this?
New comment Feb 7
Dear Synodal U community, My apologies for having posted the wrong time for our synodal coffee today. My babysitter leaves at 4pm ET and I cannot stay to lead the session (Life happens!) I have enjoyed our dialogues very much; I was informed today was going to be our last meeting. But please keep posted for future activities. God bless you all! Lia Garcia
New comment Jan 25
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We are people who want to walk with the synodal Church. Come and see!
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