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Optimize Your Life w/ Will is happening in 30 hours
Free Zoom Call Inside Sprouht U Today!
This mastermind is all about getting started with content creation & building your freedom business. I wanted to invite 5 people to join for free... If that's you, DM me "ME" here on Skool! Only looking for people people who are serious about to creating digital freedom through content creation :) See you at 2pm EST inside! Will P.S. Have a great day! It's a mindset.
Click on the 'Classroom' Tab! (Full Course is There)
In this Classroom you will: - Craft a vision for your life - Discover your Ikigai - Write your story And much more! Everything you need to get started is in the Classroom. Head there now!
New comment Jul 11
Welcome to Sprouht Community!
We're so glad you're here. INTRODUCE YOURSELF IN THE COMMENTS!! 🌍 Where are you from? Why did you join this community? Let's start a mega thread 😁 Also, a few things: 1. Sprouht Community has everything you need to start living a more fulfilling life 2. No spam, promotions, or selling. Report any low-quality posts to @Erick Amezcua and he'll delete them. 3. Head to the 'Classroom' and go through the course to get started. See you there!
New comment Jul 11
Are You Interested in Content Creation? If So, Why?
I'd like to meet people who are interested in creating content online! Have you already started making videos? What's keeping you from getting started? And what's the BIG goal?
New comment Jul 20
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Sprouht Community
A community of people of all ages, from all over the world, building more fulfilling lives.
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