Unlock Recurring Revenue
Recurring revenue is the dream for any business, but it's hard to achieve when selling courses.
That was one of the main ideas behind WeTube - sell a mastermind with recurring fees, instead of a one-time charge.
But, not everyone has a model or offer that fits a high-ticket mastermind.
Even selling a low-ticket mastermind is hard; you really have to provide value to earn subscriptions.
But with SaaS and community, you create a more compelling offer:
  • A Simple Micro-SaaS Product
  • Your Coaching/Course/Mastermind
  • A Private Community for Members
It makes sense to people that they pay monthly for SaaS.
This naturally opens the door for bundling your entire offer to create recurring revenue.
Creating a scalable, steady income stream that goes beyond one-time sales.
As your SaaS product gets better, so will your community, and the flywheel will keep spinning.
For example - there are a lot of digital marketers out there who teach how to generate leads from social media platforms.
But there are far less who have their own chrome extension which automates conversations, allowing you to manage hundreds of leads in minutes.
That digital marketer would have a tough time selling his course as a monthly subscription.
But when he includes his own micro-SaaS tool - it becomes a compelling offer.
One that people would pay monthly for.
You don't have to reinvent the wheel - you simply need to identify how a micro-SaaS tool can fit into your existing process.
Your info-product already has demand; you've now just supercharged it by combining it with Micro-SaaS.
And opened the door to recurring revenue - the real money machine.
If you're interested in learning more, book a free discovery call with me here, and let's see if your offer has the potential to be supercharged.
Robert Boulos
Unlock Recurring Revenue
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