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Dear community, Ramzi here. Founder of Lux. For a long time our SLS framework has been exclusively dedicated to help advisors who already make 10-20k+ per month in income. The upfront cost to work with us has prohibited many advisors to take the leap and use our framework to grow their practice. After many months of work behind the scenes, I am pleased to announce you that we are on the edge of releasing a monthly membership program. This program will allow advisors who don't have a lot of capital to invest up front to jump into our program by paying a monthly fee. We are putting togheter a group of 50 advisors to beta test this project. If this sounds interesting to you, hit "Yes Count me in" below.
20 members have voted
New comment Oct '24
NEW FREE MODULE - Philosophy of LinkedIn Direct Outreach
Hi Winners! Bilal here and happy to announce that one of our most useful modules from our SLS Framework course is now available for free! Philosophy of LinkedIn Direct Outreach. In this module we will cover the best approaches to have when communicating with people on LinkedIn. Key to a successful campaign on LinkedIn and getting ideal clients. Here's what we're going to cover: - The Overview of LinkedIn Direct Outreach - SLS Framework™: How To Turn Cold Leads Into Booked Appointments  - What NOT To Do Using LinkedIn Direct Outreach - The ONE Line That Makes Or Breaks Your Success - Push VS Pull Approach - Crafting Your Nerve Striking Messages Enjoy!
New comment Oct '24
Start Here
Hello! Welcome to the SLS Framework Free Group run by Lux Sales Consulting. ***NO SELLING OR SOLICITATION -- HARD BAN*** The goal of this Skool group is to have a place where Financial & Insurance Advisors can: - Network and learn to master online prospecting and sales in their practice to grow to $10k/m, $20k/m, $50k/m and eventually, become their own CEO and lead their own team of Advisors. - Network and pair up with other A-Players. - Share wins and winning strategies. In this group, we've now released some never seen before strategies that are usually client only. We're planning to have fun events, rewards and weekly accountability calls for everyone in the group. Start by checking out these links - Classroom - Resources - Implement The SLS Framework at a High-Level To kick things off, please create a post and tag it under "Welcome Post" introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name and where you're from. 2. Your job title and what you specialize in. 3. What you're hoping to get out of that group. See you around and looking forward for you to grow your practice exponentially moving forward!
New comment Nov '24
Start Here
Good Morning America*
Good morning, to everyone to honor our cabinet and recognizing a Trump Administration, resembling the Infrastructure that is America. Wordpress 2025
I'm just wondering...
Hi - is this community still active? 🙂
1-30 of 41
SLS Framework Free Group
A place for Financial & Insurance Advisors to grow their practice by mastering virtual prospecting and sales and networking with other A-Players.
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