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Instructor Test
I love how close of range they are. It gets really tight.
New FREE Kali Weaponry Course Added!
Happy Mother's Day and Happy Sunday! Just added a new Kali Single Stick course to the Classroom section! Everyone on the Desktop Dojo can access it now. I will be adding a few more modules soon but there's a good amount of material to get you started mastering the art of stick fighting!
Kali Stick Workout
Here's a simple solo training routine you can add to your Kali practice and increase your control, conditioning, and speed. There are more of these short video as part of the Daily Discipline program which you can join by clicking link under page description.
Balisong dance
Balisong is an actual town in the same dialect region where I live, about 2 Provinces South. I flipped my first butterfly knife which was from my American grandma's vanity drawer. She was shocked I knew how. I learned it with the boy scouts, I told her. "I confiscated that from your dad!" she said. I never saw it again since. I bought my own at market when I was in 7th grade. I'm overdue for an immersion at Balisong. Sharing this link here I hope it's accessible.
New comment 10d ago
Recording: Desktop Dojo Live - "Martial Arts & Mental Health"
Hope you can join us next for another round table discussion. Rotating topics so if you have a suggestion please feel free to share! Nice to have a bigger group today.
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Kali/JKD/BJJ/MuayThai cross training specialists, higher consciousness seekers, and future action movie stunt doubles.
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