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[MUST WATCH] Welcome to SAAStermind! Start here...
Watch this video and complete your action steps to maintain your access to this group. I look forward to working with you in this community 🙂 ACTION STEPS 1. Introduce yourself following the template in the video and share a picture of your workspace. 2. Comment "DONE ✅" below this post to mark the action step complete. 3. Win.
Complete action
New comment May '24
[MUST WATCH] Welcome to SAAStermind! Start here...
🆓😱Get My $10,000 Training on How I Grew My $6M Recurring Rev Model 100% FREE!
Hey gang! I’ve been invited to speak at the Agency Coach Mastermind here in Scottsdale. Today I’m making that speech. They’ve asked me to speak on growing a tribe, building community, and rentention. In honor of that opportunity, I am going to be uploading a complete module here in the classroom showing how we built a 1,000 client Skool group that did $3.5M in revenue last year with a churn rate of under 2%. Here how you get access to this 👇👇👇 It’s going to be free for everyone here in the group along with a recording of the presentation from the Agency Coach Mastermind event. This is a private event from their $25k mastermind so it’s very high value. I’m giving this away 100% free to everyone here who completed these 3 easy steps: 1. Join this group. 2. Make your welcome post. 3. Use my below Skool referral link to get a 14 day free trial and start your Skool group. (You’re going to need it to leverage these trainings 💯 ) Once I see your name under my referral list I will unlock this training for you under the classroom. Onward and upward! 🚀💯☺️ - Will The Link 👉 FREE SKOOL
New comment Mar '24
🆓😱Get My $10,000 Training on How I Grew My $6M Recurring Rev Model 100% FREE!
Is this community still functioning? lol
Sharing my testimonies to all of my lovely clients. I've been verified as a top rated seller on upwork. All thanks to each and everyone of you for your support in this journey and I also promise to impact positively in your business as you've always been doing to mine. Thanks once again Best Regards. Akintayo Toheeb(CEO @TheebzDigitalz)
Decision impact
When we first get started as entrepreneurs our decisions have rapid and immediate impact. This serves us well when we first start as we need to be agile and adjust rapidly. When we move through our journey towards the enterprise level our decisions have a ripple effect and take time to proliferate. It’s important to remember that the level of intention and awareness we bring for our decisions needs to grow as our business grows. Behaving like a startup business when you’re even just 3-5 years old as a company can have a negative impact if we’re not careful. As entrepreneurs it’s crucial that we develop higher levels of self awareness so we can grow our companies and impact. This conversation has come up a few times for me this week and I thought it would be valuable to share here.
Decision impact
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