Sleep Well, Dream Vividly
Private group
4 members
And so it begins!
The Restful Sleep platform "Sleep Well, Dream Vividly" is officially open and I am excited to have you here. This is a space where content will be added weekly on all things sleep, so that you can have all the tools you need to build consistently restful nights. This is also a space to dive deep into dreamwork as a gateway into impactful personal growth.
The platform already contains the "Rest Snacks" course, with somatic tools to help you sleep, and a weekly offering of community Dream Circles (online and in-person). These are spaces in which you can learn different dream recall and lucid dreaming techniques, and get your dreams interpreted with the help of our community.
The earlier you become a member, the better because the price of the platform will keep increasing as new content and courses are added. But your original monthly price always remains!
Post your wins and questions, this is a community space that will grow richer by the day. See you inside!
Sleep Well, Dream Vividly
Insomnia and sleep health solutions made easy. Explore dreamwork and lucid dreaming for personal growth.
Join the Restful Sleep community.
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