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Tea Time with Jennifer is happening in 13 hours
Weather 🧚 🧚‍♀️ 🧚🏻‍♂️
What’s it like where you are? The weather fairies are having some fun. Went to bed at 38°. Since then, it’s been high winds, a tornado warning, and heavy rains. Now, temps climbing towards 66° from waking up to 47°. Tonight’s low is supposed to be 30. It’s been one weather event after another. We’re just getting our bearings back after this last storm. The ice and winter mix brought down branches, trees, and power lines. It sparked fires on power lines in our backyard and multiple neighbor's lines as well. The fire department had to come put out spotfires as best they could waiting for DOM. DOM had to come to replace entire lines as well as Comcast & Verizon. Power was restored swiftly. It’s been 4 days and the internet is just being restored with lines this afternoon. Having more off-net time has been nice. We’re rolling into another winter storm this week. It’s said we may get 3 inches up to a foot plus. I get that’s a big range. I know we’ve got some folks and nature indicating it’s no joke. It’s a strange sort of dance nature is doing outside. Moody, majestic, fierce, dominating, attention-grabbing. 60° now in mid Feb knowing by midweek it’ll be freezing temps with a blanket of snow and a wintry mix. Cuppas up y’all ☕️🫖🍵
New comment 25m ago
And it is done
New comment 2h ago
Day 7 - Just your fucking breath
Short and sweet, I find my breath slowing down and I’m not doing the full five, but my intention is just focusing on inhale and exhale. My boyfriend overheard the meditation and he was so confused on YB dropping F-bombs until he realized I was meditating. Got to appreciate that when someone recognizes another person meditating, they leave you alone to focus. Happy fucking day 7!
New comment 3h ago
Day 7 - Saturday care.
Saturday Day Seven of the 40-Day Challenge. Keeping it small. This time, I arrived deep in thought about my son. A 4-year-old boy—amazing, smart, and sensitive—who's experiencing some kind of regression. He’s stopped consistently going to the bathroom on his own, and it seems like he’s doing it to provoke some kind of reaction. I don’t know why, and I don’t know what he’s trying to achieve, but it’s happening after he had already moved past this stage. Today, I realized that, in some way, I’m pressuring him and stressing him out, and that’s not something I’m willing to let happen between us. He’s my heart, and I’m deeply connected to him, so knowing that he’s feeling something from me that doesn’t sit right with him makes me really sad. I made sure the afternoon was fun for the kids, with a significant focus on him. I hope I can control my reactions when I see him having accidents and be everything he needs me to be. Right now, I understand that I need to improve in this area—so I wrote it down. If it’s written, it will probably happen. Wishing everyone a blessed week. Fuuuuuckers!
New comment 3h ago
Day 8 - Sunday. Just did it!! Was so tired. But so committed so I just did it and it was great. Good fucking night...
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