Real Estate Wealth Builders
Public group
94 members
This is a place where Real Estate professionals, Flippers, Wholesalers, Landlords, Airbnb hosts, Lenders, and Entrepreneurs can come together to further this business that we love. Let's take it from the industrial age thinking it currently resides in and move it into the information age....together.
Be one of the few. โญ๏ธ
So if youโ€™re an action taker who isnโ€™t satisfied with mediocre results and a mediocre business, join our community of people ready to help achieve your goals.
We have a few rules... ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Guidelines -
No Posting Deals.
At all times be authentic, honest, act in good faith, and post high value high effort content.
Do your best to build a strong reputation, provide actionable insight, and keep it inside the group.
Privacy and terms
Real Estate Wealth Builders
This is a place where Real Estate ๐Ÿ˜๏ธ professionals, Flippers, Wholesalers, Landlords, and Entrepreneurs can come together to scale their business.
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