Tracy Wilson
Are you on the mat?
Are you on the mat?
I know a lot of men (and women) that should have been taught this when they were younger...
We are often told not to cry, (before I give you something to cry for 馃ぃ- I know ya'll know what I'm talking about 馃ぃ)
Our mental health starts and develops when we are young! How we process our emotions (consciously or not) is so important; and yes, Hormones play a part too for both men and women.
We may not always have someone stepping in like this when we are children, and even when we are adults for that matter so it is important to recognize what is going on in yourself.
Where are the tears (or lack of tears) stemming from?
Did you quit because you really needed to stop, or did you get knocked off your mat from your emotions?
Emotions can be our own enemy.. an invisible opponet waiting to force you to tap out, OR a tag team partner when you're in the center of the ring.
The way our emotions sync up in our mind, guides us in our decision making.
Are you run by your emotions? Sometimes at work, or with our families, spouses, children, and life just lifing we may speak or do things that are "rash", quick, and emotionally driven.
Emotions don't often require a lot of thinking or logic, and sometimes we may need to tell our tongue "hey, slow down" OR even our mind, "hey, slow down' and at times, we may need to just yell out at our life, "Hey, slow down?"
It gets real cousin...
But hey, no matter what, remember to keep pushing through!
Push through your emotions, (and seek help from others when you need). Don't let your emotions control you.
You are more than a conqueror In Christ Jesus!
Be blessed. Love ya'll
Cousin Tracy
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