Do this before you workout
The internet is full of routine activities that you MUST do before you workout so that you can “activate the right muscles and skyrocket your metabolism”
And all this other BS.
Truth is there’s only two things you need to do before you train:
  • Eat a energizing snack
  • Mobilize your joints
Here’s why:
To train hard and push heavy weights, you need energy. The key is in finding the right energy.
Preworkouts and supplements are just high caffeine dopamine hits that give you a massive boost in energy followed by the worst crashes ever
Instead aim for high protein, complex carb meals with some healthy fats as well - these guys will keep you satiated, provide a consistent flow of energy and make you feel amazing after your workout.
Here’s some examples:
  • Protein bar
  • PB&J sandwich
  • Protein shake with soy milk and peanut butter
  • Seitan sausage and sweet potatoes
The goal isn’t to make it super filling, but enough to feel good and train without nausea - I’d recommend eating this at least 30-60 min before training.
Second - mobilize
This is essentially “warming up” your joints to lift heavy without pulling something.
Most of us sit all day and sleep with poor posture so the least you can do is a few mobility movements to get your joints warmed up nice.
This will ensure you can do each movement with proper form and proper range of motion.
Here’s some examples:
  • Arm circles
  • Knee hug rotations
  • Lunges
  • Leg swings
Keep the stretches for AFTER you train (i’ll talk about this in more detail in another post)
Now go hit them weights!
Abhi Amalsadia
Do this before you workout
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