Abhi Amalsadia
3 ways to make your exercise harder
3 ways to make your exercise harder
Going to the gym but not seeing any progress?
You might not be pushing yourself as much as you need.
You could be working out all you want, but if its not giving your body a higher stimulus to adapt to, it has no reason to grow and change.
How do you provide enough stimulus? Here are 3 ways:
  1. Add more weight - even if it’s only 2.5lb, stimulus is stimulus. Your only goal is to get a bit stronger each and every week
  2. Add more volume - if you want to grow legs but only hit it once a week, increase it to 2 days a week. Or if you’re only doing 3 sets, increase it 4. The more you do something, the stronger you get at it
  3. Time under tension - slow down your movements especially in the eccentric phases like the descending portion of a squat. This will massively increase the difficulty of the movement even with lighter weights (great for home workouts)Add these to your workouts and watch your progress pick back up to where you like it
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