Paid Speaking Gigs By PitchDB
Public group
123 members
Hello and Welcome,
Thank you for joining the PitchDB community! This platform is designed to boost your public speaking journey.
Here, you can expect:
Course: Business building lessons to help you grow personally and professionally.
Dynamic Community: Share your wins, ask questions, and learn from the other leaders in our group. Every time you have an interview or speaking engagement be sure to post a picture under Wins. We want to celebrate your hard work!
Calendar for Connection: Attend our weekly PowerHour for live trainings and co working sessions for pitching. We also have group sessions four times per week on how to use the software. Check the calendar tab to login to those.
Support: Our team will be here to answer any questions you have about how to best use PitchDB
We recommend exploring available courses and introducing yourself in the PitchDB group.
Looking forward to helping you amplify your voice!
Keep Pitching!!
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The best community for professional speakers, authors, and entrepreneurs. Everything you need to get booked for Paid Speaking Gigs and Podcasts 🚀
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