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Peak Performance Q&A is happening in 27 days
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Hello! Welcome to the Peak Performance Protocol. The goal of this free Skool community is To Make People Healthy Again Using My Logical, Metric-Based, Science-Backed Health Protocol. In my seven-year-long career as a health and performance coach, I have successfully worked with over 600 high-caliber individuals (7, 8, and 9-figure entrepreneurs). Those prosperous entrepreneurs, who generate income ranging from £50K/month to an astonishing £16 million/month, have multiplied their focus, intelligence, output, creativity, and performance tenfold by implementing my gold standard, science-backed health protocol. This course is the culmination of years of experience and insights gained from working with esteemed entrepreneurs like Iman Gadzhi, Bastiaan Slot, Cole Gordon, Tyler Newman, the Mikkelsen Twins, Marcos Razetti, and Dan Vas. In this course/program, you'll discover the precise pathway to achieving peak health and performance. I've guided my clients through this path using six critical pillars: sleep optimization, peak nutrition, behavioral change, flawless training, medical testing, and personalized supplementation. To kick things off, please do the following: 1. Comment your name below to introduce yourself to our program members. 2. Inform us of the areas of your health and performance you're currently focused on optimizing/that you need help with. 3. Watch the quick start modules of the course before diving into any other course modules. See you in the comments and enjoy the course!
New comment 15d ago
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Improve rem sleep
Hi, in which video can I find how to improve my rem sleep?
New comment 7d ago
Unlocking Optimal Health: The Importance of Regular Medical Testing
Fantastic to see the participation in the sleep quality quiz! Understanding your sleep patterns is a significant step toward improving your health. Now, let's turn our attention to another critical aspect of health optimisation: medical testing. One of the key difficulties people face when wanting to optimise their health and performance is gaining an understanding of their true current position. Many individuals I speak to daily and weekly are unsure whether their medical metrics are within healthy ranges. They often lack clarity on what tests to take and how to interpret the results, which can hinder their ability to make informed health decisions. Medical testing is a crucial component of health, providing objective data that can reveal underlying issues and help guide your wellness strategy. Regular testing can identify potential problems early, allowing for timely interventions that can significantly improve your health outcomes. Here’s a simple framework to help you assess your medical testing needs and understand your results: 1. Basic Blood Work: Regular blood tests can provide valuable insights into your overall health. Key metrics to monitor include cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and complete blood count (CBC). 2. Hormonal Panel: Hormones play a vital role in regulating many body functions. Testing for thyroid function, testosterone, estrogen, and cortisol levels can help identify imbalances. 3. Vitamin and Mineral Levels: Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can impact your health and performance. Common tests include Vitamin D, B12, and iron levels. 4. Liver and Kidney Function: Tests for liver enzymes and kidney function can detect issues with these vital organs, ensuring they are operating correctly. 5. Inflammatory Markers: Tests for markers like C-reactive protein (CRP) can help identify inflammation in the body, which is often linked to chronic diseases. Please add your inputs to the poll below.
18 members have voted
New comment 11d ago
Improving HRV
Hey there everyone, what works best for improving HRV? Both physical and mental tasks
New comment 14d ago
Parasite/ HM cleanse
Good morning gentlemen, can someone recommend a good parasite/ heavy metal cleanse or protocol? Cheers! 🏆🧬
New comment 15d ago
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