Write something
Roofing and Repair niche
Hey Jason, please can you give me a light ? I'm running ads for a Roofing and repair damage at U.S on meta ads and a need help with some ideas to decrease the cost per result. Any ideas? Running On-lead-form camaign with $100/day Actual cost per result: $152 Desired cost per result: $40 This is LP was provided by customer, but honestly I dont think that it has a good conversion rate and copy. Let me know your thoughts :)
New comment 2d ago
LIVE Masterclass Tonight 7pm EST
Tonight I'm Hosting Our Live Workshop - 100+ Sign Ups and RSVPS - You Are All Invited as Part of My Skool Community. Join and I'll Have a Special Offer For You to Join My 1 on 1 Inner Circle Group. The Zoom Link is Below to Join at 7pm EST
Low Ticket Funnel KPIs?
I just launched my first low ticket funnel and want to understand what type of conversion rates I should looking for. What does terrible, ok, and good look like for each stage of the funnel. Here's the funnel: 1. MIFGE free cold call training 2. Order bump of 27$ with 15 day free trial to my community ($97 monthly after trial) 3. One time offer to annual upsell Each has gifts associated to it to incentivize. Right now I'm flying blind on what to look out for at each step of the funnel. PS - Here's the MIFGE landing page if you want to take a look - @Jason Wojo I'm assuming you would have good insight here, but anyone who's got plenty of experience is welcome to chime in. Any insight would be much appreciated!
Starting fresh
Hey Jason, I just started with a new pixel and wanted to know have you ever make an ad with $50 per adset?
New comment 9d ago
How do I switch pixels
I just got back into my main Facebook account since a former agency had admin access and wouldn’t let me in. I was wondering if anybody knows if it’s possible or how I can connect a pixel from my other Facebook page to my new account so I can start running ads on my verified account or do I need to make a whole new pixel?
New comment 11d ago
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Jason Wojo Reveals The Paid Ad Secrets To Achieving a 4X ROAS Online For Ecom, Coaches, Consultants, Service Providers, and Info Products
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